Horror Movies and Awkward Good Mornings || Chapter 20 ||

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"WHAT?!" my dark skinned best friend screeched. I looked towards my door to see if my father was coming. When I determined that he wasn't, I turned my attention back to Nino who was just staring at me with his mouth wide open.

Adrien looked smug and stared back at Nino with a satisfied grin. I rose an eyebrow in confusion at him. What is he so smug about? Alya looked between Nino and I, confused.

"You've kissed someone properly? What was it like?" Marinette asked, sitting in front of me. I felt a heat rise to my cheeks. I didn't expect to be interrogated about what it was like, I was expected questions like 'who was it?'.

I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. I grinned sheepishly, looking to Alya for help but she just smirked evilly and I glared at her.

"Well I, it. I want to do it again" was all I said. Marinette squealed in happiness, Alya lifted an eyebrow, Nino looked even more shocked and grabbed at his shirt in front of his heart and Adrien was blushing. Wait, why was Adrien blushing?

Nino walked over quickly and gently pushed Marinette out of the way before scooping me up and walked to the bathroom, locking us in. I sat on the toilet, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I thought we were best friends. Best friends tell each other about first kisses" Nino said, popping his hip out and placing a hand on it. The whole pose just screamed sass master. I giggled slightly but forced myself to stop after receiving a look from Nino.

"It only happened today Nino" I told him, raising my hands up, trying to calm him down. He rose an eyebrow but it looked like something clicked in his head and he almost squealed with pure joy. He got really close to me before whispering.

"It was Adrien, wasn't it?" I reeled back, blushing and waving my arms wildly, denying it. I kept stuttering and couldn't even reply to that statement in anything other than disagreeing noises. Nino grinned cheekily and poked my bright red cheek before backing away.

"So, if it wasn't Adrien even though you want it to be. That must mean it was Chat Noir" he deducted.

"W-Who said I even want to kiss Adrien??" I scoffed, crossing my arms, and pretending like that was absurd. Nino laughed and wiped a tear from his eye.

"Your red face gave it away. It's okay to like him, just don't let Marinette know" he told me before exiting the bathroom. I sighed in relief, letting my shoulders slump forward. I'm a horrible person. I need to get Adrien out of my head but he was like a drug. Once you get a little bit, you're hooked. I felt like I understood Marinette much better.

I walked back into my room, seeing the light turned off and the tv showing a horror movie. I grinned and slipped into my spot. Adrien's hand immediately clamped onto my arm, making me jump and look at him. I smirked at him before turning my attention to the movie.

I will admit this movie is terrifying. I was clinging to Adrien's hand and he clung to my arm with his free one. I was cursing Nino out in my head and Marinette had forced herself to go to sleep to get away from this traumatic experience. Nino and Alya seemed to be enjoying the movie but I was too terrified to enjoy anything.

"Can we leave?" Adrien whispered at me. I looked over at him and he looked like a scared child. I nodded my head and we snuck out using the cover of darkness. I watched Adrien glide through the dark, reminding me of a certain cat. I sighed dreamily. Oh Chaton.

A hand was waved in my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. The darkness of the kitchen made it hard to see and all I could see was green eyes and blonde hair. Still half in my thoughts, I looked at the person confused. It looked an awful lot like Chat Noir but he'd never come here with my friends here...so it must be Adrien.

"Jesus, in the dark you look an awful lot like my Chaton" I said aloud. A nervous laugh was given in reply and Adrien grabbed us both water before drinking his. I watched his silhouette move around as he washed the glasses and put them in the drying rack.

I was starting to get suspicious of the similarities between this boy and my Chaton. I narrowed my eyes slightly but quickly stopped when Adrien turned around, reaching out for me in the darkness. I chuckled softly and stepped forward, allowing him to put his hands on my shoulder.

"Come on, Alya and Nino probably know we're missing by now" I said softly. Adrien's blonde hair bobbed up and down and we made our way back to our spots on the mattress. The movie was still going and it seemed Marinette had the right idea, I turned to my side and grabbed Adrien's hand. He looked down at me and gave me a soft smile, I lightly kissed his hand before closing my eyes and trying my hardest to fall asleep.

An annoyed huff, some giggles and a weight on my chest is what woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and blinked opened my eyes, seeing Nino holding his phone out. I gave him a confused look before looking down at my chest and seeing a head of blonde hair. I smiled fondly and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Bright Eyes, it's time to wake up" I said softly, shaking him slightly. He whined and held me tighter, causing it to be slightly hard to breathe. I chuckled but continued shaking him. He whined loudly before finally opening his eyes and giving me a playful glare. I pushed him off me and he fell on his back, laughing.

"You guys are going to kill me one day" Nino said, scrolling through the photos he probably took of us asleep. I laughed and Adrien chuckled lightly. Marinette looked annoyed and I couldn't meet her eyes. Alya looked like she was caught in the middle of wanting to side with Marinette but also wanting to fangirl with Nino.

"uh good morning"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now