Cat Filters and Father-Daughter Moments ||Chapter 8||

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I groaned in mild annoyance and pushed past him, heading back up to my room. Chat followed behind me enthusiastically.

"You might want to grab a chair from downstairs" I suggested, looking over my shoulder and gesturing to my computer. His eyes widened at my set up and nodded, running back downstairs. I couldn't help but chuckle. He could be incredibly flirty or perverted but really, Chat Noir is a massive dork.

Chat stumbled into my room with a dining chair above his head, looking ridiculous. I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh as he put the chair next to me.

"So, what are we doing?" he asked as I signed into my computer. I smirked and opened the camera. He grinned and pushed my hand away from the mouse. He clicked on the cat filter and I snorted in laughter.

"Are you serious?" I asked, starring at him in slight disappointment. He grinned and shrugged before turning my head to the camera. Cats ears and whiskers came onto my face and he giggled. HE GIGGLED.

"I see why we're soulmates. We are both irresistible as cats" he stated and I grinned. We took some ridiculous pictures together before his ring finally beeped. He pouted and I gave him a sad smile.

"Hopefully one day, I won't have to leave" he said, causing me to blush. He grinned and left out my window. I lent back against the chair I was sitting on and beamed brightly. I must have done something amazing in a past life to get him as my soulmate. Or maybe I'll do something amazing in this one.

With a grin, I picked up Chat's chair and carried it back downstairs, putting it in it's rightful place before Marie could comment on it. Speaking of Marie, her and dad came home, carrying groceries with them. I followed them into the kitchens and helped dad put away the shopping.

"I heard you had an exciting day" Marie stated. I whipped my head to dad who just shrugged. I sighed and slumped my shoulders. She's going to make a big fuss out of it which is really what I didn't need. I looked over and watched as she started pulling the ingredients for dinner.

"I did, thankfully nobody was hurt" I said, pointing that out. She nodded, agreeing with me. I decided to keep quiet, hoping she wouldn't continue the conversation.

"I don't like how close you and that cat boy were" she pointed out, causing me to think back to when he was straddling me and I blushed. I hid in my auburn hair and I nearly dropped the bowl I was holding.

"He was just getting me to safety. I don't know him Marie" I said shyly. My father gave me a look and I shrugged, not knowing what he meant. Marie took the bowl from me and sighed, nodding.

"I know. I'm just super protective. You have your head in the clouds, believing in all that soulmate and true love crap. I just want to protect you" she said, trying to be kind but I was deeply offended. I scoffed and stormed out of the kitchen, heading to my room. How dare she? I slammed my door and starting pacing, trying to calm myself down.

A knock on my door made me want to punch a wall. Dad walked in and I sighed, he looked at me apologetically. He hugged me close and I closed my eyes, taking in this father-daughter moment.

"Don't let her words get to you. Your soulmate is out there and when they find you, they won't be able to let you go" he said quietly, kissing my hair. I chuckled, agreeing with him. I already knew that I was going to fight to hold onto Chat with everything I had.

"Papa, what would you do if I find my soulmate soon?" I asked, genuinely curious. He pulled away and put a thoughtful look on his face, tapping his chin. I chuckled and he smiled.

"I'd gladly accept him into the family. Anyone who loves you as much as I do or more is always welcome here. Though I don't want any grandchildren until I'm older" He joked, causing a blush to rise to my face.

"Papa, I've never had a boyfriend. I don't think you have to worry about grand kids any time soon" I muttered, embarrassed. Not meeting his eyes. He chuckled and patted my shoulder before leading me downstairs for dinner.

Dinner was silent and Marie refused to look at me, irritating me. I understand we don't get along but I at least try for the sake of dad. I washed up my plates, kissed my father's head and grabbed a few comics before heading back to my room. I flopped onto my bed and opened the Spider-man comic, getting in to it.

' Cute bracelet you had on today '

I sighed at the words on my hand. I already felt bad about it and he had noticed the bracelet. Maybe he was just pointing out it was cute. It's not like he knew it was new. Unless he saw Adrien give it to me at the park. Oh geez. I stretched my arm out, grabbing a pen from my drawers before pulling the cap off.

' Thanks. Adrien bought it for me '

Simple enough, right? It's not wrong to accept jewellery from others, is it? I don't know. I've never done anything like this before. I face-palmed and put my head into my pillow, groaning. What if I ruin everything?

' Should I worry about this boy? '

Damn it! How do I manage to make a confident person insecure? I must have a special talent of turning everything awkward.

' No, you don't need to '

I repeatedly banged my head on my pillows. I should just go to bed and forget this ever happened.

' I'm heading to bed. Goodnight Chaton '

I threw my pen across the room in anger and put my comics on my drawers before crawling under my blanket and praying sleep would come quickly.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now