"A" and Gaming || Chapter 4 ||

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After school, I hung around and chatted with Nino and Adrien until Adrien was picked up. Nino walked off, calling out about texting me later. I chuckled and made my way home. I unlocked the front door and walked in, inhaling the smell of home.

I walked upstairs to my room, dumping my handbag on my bed. I flopped back on my bed and sighed, staring at my ceiling. First day of school, done and dusted. I believe I did well. I pulled my sleeves down, checking to see if A had written anything else. He had.

' How was your day? '

I smiled softly. He cared enough to ask me about my day, that's cute. I unzipped my handbag and pulled out a pen, popping off the top before writing back.

' It went better than I thought it would, how was yours? '

I walked over to my computer, turning it on and sitting on the chair, waiting for it to power up. I kept checking my wrists but it seemed A was taking his time. I signed into my computer before I realised I had no idea what I wanted to do.

' It was actually pretty good for once. Though there's this girl who is way too clingy and now that I know about you, it feels wrong to let her near me. Does that make sense? '

I was shocked. Even though we might not be in the same country and our chances of meeting are low, he still respects the fact that we're soulmates. I chuckled softly as I realised he took up the last of the space on my wrists.

I walked into the kitchen, looking for baby wipes. I finally found a packet under the sink and ran back to my room. I pulled a wipe out and cleaned off my wrists carefully, creating more room to write to A.

' I didn't realise that you respected this that much, but it made me feel nice '

I searched through my handbag for my phone, cheering when I found it. I brought up my texts and created a group message, adding Nino and Adrien.

Hey guys, you got Steam? -Riva

I know, I do. Don't know about Adrien. -Nino

I do. You wanting to game? -Adrien

Yeah! I figured it sounded fun. -Riva

How did I not know you had Steam? -Nino

I barely have time to play. -Adrien

We exchanged usernames and all added each other, before Nino called us in a group chat which made me scramble for my headphones.

"What are you doing Riva?" he asked, chuckling. I quickly plugged in my headset and placed it on my head.

"Sorry, you called so fast and I had to get my headset" I stated laughing, which made Adrien laugh. We decided to play No More Room in Hell which had Nino state that if I got scared he wouldn't judge me. I scoffed at that and Adrien snickered.

"Nino I don't think you should offend our new friend" Adrien pointed out while picking a server. Nino apologised and I laughed, saying that I wasn't offended. I joined the server Adrien had picked and we waited for Nino to load in.

I looked down at my wrist, noticing the neat writing of my soulmate.

' I'm glad, I don't want you feeling bad for any reason '

I squealed without reason and hugged my arm to my chest. Both boys asked what had happened and I didn't know what to say. Do I tell them? Do I keep it a secret?

"Someone just left a cute message for me" I said. I wasn't lying but I also wasn't telling them about my soulmate.

' Why are you so freaking cute? '

"Riva! Rounds started!" Nino's voice called out. I quickly grabbed my mouse and paid attention to the game. I wasn't familiar with this map. I grabbed a pistol and a melee weapon in case I ran out of ammo.

"Dammit is this server full of idiots?" I exclaimed annoyed that everyone other than the boys and I were already dead. Both boy's laughter could be heard and I growled lowly. I ran around a small group of zombies and turned back, shooting a few and letting Adrien hit a couple with a crowbar.

Muffled voices came through our group call and Adrien sighed, sounding annoyed.

"I'm sorry guys, I have to get off now. I'll see you at school tomorrow" he said before leaving the call. Nino sighed quietly and we continued playing.

"Is Adrien often busy?" I asked harmlessly. Nino laughed at that, confusing me greatly. I watched as Nino took down a group of zombies with his machine gun.

"You could say that. The dude barely has time to sleep" he said sadly. I grew concerned but put the subject off and continued playing. I could sense the end of the map coming up and chat messages of encouragement came up on the side, proving my theory. Come on! Both Nino and I got onto the boat and were extracted. We both cheered loudly and congratulated each other.

Nino and I continued playing for a few hours before Marie got home and I knew I had to get off. I apologised to Nino but he wasn't bothered by it. I turned my computer off and sighed, looking down at my wrist.

' You don't even know the half of it ;) '

Did he just? Is he flirting with me? I picked up my pen once again and smirked while writing back. I didn't realise we were at the flirting stage.

' I guess I'll let my imagination run wild later ;) '

I snorted at my own response. I would never usually say something like that. Footsteps caught my attention and I quickly pulled down my sleeves. Marie opened my door and took a step into my room before noticing my cold gaze and thinking better of it.

"Dinner's downstairs and your father wishes to speak with you" she said before walking out in a hurry. I sighed and made my way downstairs. What could my father possibly want to talk to me about? I sat at the table across from my father and his wife.

"How was school today? Make any friends?" he asked. My head shot up, realising this is what he wanted to talk to me about. I smiled brightly.

"Today was easy at school but I made friends with these two really cool guys, Adrien and Nino" I exclaimed happily. My father smiled back at me, glad that I was happy.

"Boys?" Marie asked and I shifted my gaze over to her, blinking in surprise. I nodded slowly, unsure on what she was thinking.

"Well, just be careful around them" she stated. I gave her the most confused look in my life. Why does she have to always have a negative look on things? Or jump to worst case scenarios?

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now