Ramblings and New Classes? || Chapter 10 ||

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I buried my face in Chat's arm, trying to die without disturbing the peace. How can he say such a thing so easily? I whined, not even sure what I wanted to say in response. Chat's chuckle made me smile and I brought my face away from his arm, enjoying the way his entire face lit up when he smiled. I smiled softly. Chat looked down at me and frowned slightly.

"Did you not sleep well last night, beau?" he asked, lightly touching the bags under my eyes. I sighed and looked down. We stopped walking and he turned serious, waiting for me to talk. I bit my lip lightly.

"I just felt bad about the whole Adrien thing. Like I know it isn't a big deal but I get to see him all the time and that must bug you and it probably doesn't help that he's kind of a model. But I just didn't want you feeling bad or insecure or even having a dislike towards Adrien because I really care about him and I care about you and I don't think I would ever want to choose between you two and I just didn't sleep well" I rambled, breathing deeply. Chat looked genuinely surprised before he smiled softly and cupped my face, pressing his forehead to mine and I closed my eyes.

"You are too cute for your own good." He said softly, letting only us hear it before he pulled away and grinned cheekily. "Besides, Adrien never bothered me. I just wanted to play jealous boyfriend, I've never done it before" he admitted, smiling happily.

Boyfriend? I froze and squeaked, covering my face which caught Chat's attention He looked at me and smiled warmly.

"Well only if you want me to be of course" he said, sounding slightly insecure. He rubbed his neck nervously and I beamed up at him. I jumped at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him tight. I must have caught him off guard as we wobbled slightly and he hesitated to hug me back.

"Silly cat, you're stuck with me for as long as you'll have me" I laughed. Chat squeezed me tighter, nuzzling my neck. He put me down and beamed, looking like a child on their birthday.

"I am the luckiest cat in the world right now" right as he said that, his ring beeped, causing him to whine. I chuckled and smiled warmly.

"Don't you know? Black cats always have bad luck" I sassed, catching him off guard but he smirked. He moved closer to me and grinned.

"I'm going to have to disagree. I managed to catch you" he stated, booping my nose and leaving in a hurry. I called out in annoyance and all I could hear was his laughter. I rolled my eyes and walked home, my thoughts occupied by a certain blonde cat.

Home was silent once again when I got there and I sighed happily. Right now, I just want to sit and drown in my thoughts about my beautiful soulmate. Life had a different plan though. My phone rang loud and I groaned, answering it.


"Riva, girl you have some explaining to do"

"Right, Nino said something about destroying his OTP?"

"Yeah, Nino was highkey hoping you and Adrien would get together"

"Adrien and I?"

"I gotta admit, you two would be pretty cute but I have to stick with my main girl Marinette"

"Marinette likes Adrien?" Everything makes so much sense now. I facepalmed at how obvious it all was.


"I feel like I've been very blind"

"Enough about Adrien and Mari. I want details about you and Chat"

"I uh well. This isn't going on your blog, is it?"

"Nope. Only the fact that Paris' hunky superhero may be off the market"

"Alya! Do you know nothing about superheroes? Their nemesis looks for weaknesses and if they found out about me, I CAN DIE!"

"So, you two are a thing?"


I hung up quickly, incredibly flustered until I thought about what I said. If Ladybug and Chat Noir's enemies want to hurt them or want leverage, then I am the perfect target. I suddenly disliked the idea of getting lost in the world of superheroes. The universe certainly had a wicked sense of humour.

I'm paired up with a superhero for life. I am constantly the weakest link. I can't stand by his side how I am, I need to be able to defend myself. I need to be prepared in case someone was to come after me or what about our future family? Oh god. Shut up Riva, you're 15. Your future family is a while away.

"I'll just ask Papa to join a martial arts class" I decided, nodding. That was probably my best plan. Sure, I wasn't going to have super strength or abilities but something is better than nothing, right?

I walked into the bathroom, pulling my clothes off and getting in, turning the water on and yawning loudly. Damn, maybe I should just go to bed and sleep until tomorrow. No, I must talk to dad about joining martial arts. I rested my forehead against the tiles and closed my eyes.

A loud banging on the bathroom door woke me up. My heart was beating a million miles an hour and I turned the water off before wrapping a towel around me. I opened the door, seeing the face of my concerned father.

"Are you all right? You've been in there a long time" he pointed out. I nodded tiredly and smiled, making my way to my room so I could put some clothes on. A loose shirt and a pair of sweatpants that were too big for me. I put a pair of black cat socks on, laughing at myself, knowing Chat would get a laugh out of it.

I made my way downstairs and sat at the dinner table, across from dad who was checking the news on his tablet. Marie was in the kitchen plating up dinner so now would be my perfect opportunity.

"Papa, I want to join a martial arts class" I stated. He looked up from his tablet and at me directly. He seemed to think it over before sighing and locking his tablet.

"Are you telling me you want to become a superhero?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me sceptically. I shook my head, chuckling lightly.

"Then I'll organise it while at work tomorrow" he said, giving me a sly grin. I squealed and grinned back, excited to be starting classes. Wait a second...

"You got a job?!"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now