Protective and The Reveal || Chapter 28 ||

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Riva's POV

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. All I could hear was the blood pumping in my ears and feel the tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. I skidded to a stop, falling over, and crawling to Chat. I held his face in my hands, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. Relief took over my body as I realised he was only unconscious.

I glared over my shoulder at Anthony, seeing him smirk at me. I gritted my teeth together and grabbed Chat's staff. Something flashed in Anthony's eyes and he smirked, breaking free from Ladybug's restraints.

I flicked the staff out and held it defensively, ready to protect my soulmate from this akumatized person. I don't care whether he's akumatized or not, if he tries to hurt Chat, I will hurt him. Ladybug was trying to sneak around to me but Anthony kept her in his sights.

A smirk was thrown my way before Anthony was running at me using his super speed. I braced for impact and held up the staff. He grabbed the staff and threw it, throwing me with it. I landed with a roll, not wanting to hurt myself too much.

I snarled at how close he was to Chat and took off running, pulling back the staff and swinging at his head like a bat, catching him off guard.

"Don't even think about touching him" I growled viciously, glaring down at him. I hooked the staff around his bracelet, flicking it off and towards Ladybug, hoping that held the akuma. She threw it to the ground and stepped on it. Nothing.

Damnit. It must be the necklace. He smirked at me and went to grab his necklace before we both realised it was no longer hanging around his neck. Where is it? I turned back to Chat, seeing it sitting in his opened palm.

I took off running, sticking out the staff to trip Anthony and launched myself at Chat. I snatched up the necklace, breaking it in my hand as Anthony tackled me away from Chat. My back hit the ground with a groan. I kicked him off me, flipping him over my head and getting up as Ladybug de-evillized the akuma.

Anthony's appearance didn't really change, he just had lighter eyes. I couldn't stop myself from glaring at him. A groan behind us caught my attention and Ladybug nodded, letting me go. I smiled in thanks and raced over to Chat, helping him up off the ground.

"Come on, let's go" I said softly, trying to sneak him away now that the public had spotted Ladybug. Chat pulled us into a tight alleyway. My heart was still beating erratically from the fight that just finished, my senses were on overdrive and I was searching everywhere for a potential threat.

"Riva" Chat's smooth voice called. I looked up at him and sighed in relief, seeing the only damage was a busted lip. He caressed my cheek lovingly and I stared with wide eyes as a green hue washed over his body and standing in front of me was Adrien.

I can't believe I didn't hear his ring beep. He could have been outted to the world. I gulped and shook myself out of my head.

"Adrien..." I started but he just held his hand up, looking panicked. He looked around before giving me a sad smile and slipping away into a side alley. I tried chasing after him but he was just gone. I didn't want to call out too loud in case anyone heard me but I wanted to find him desperately, tell him that I knew and I still love him.

After about half an hour of searching I finally gave up, knowing that I'd at least see him at school tomorrow. The walk home was long and boring. I needed to get Adrien out of my head, knowing that thinking too much about it would do more harm than good but I couldn't help myself.

I got home and quietly walked up to my room, giving my father a fake smile before closing my bedroom door and throwing myself onto my bed face first. What should I even say to Adrien? I sighed and pulled out my phone, opening my messages and quickly wrote one to Adrien.

I'm sorry. I didn't hear your ring beep during the fight – Riva

I waited patiently for a reply but it didn't come up. I threw my phone across the room and buried myself in my blankets, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I stood at the front of the school just staring at it, contemplating going inside. I knew that I needed to talk to Adrien but the thought was so daunting. Finally, I pulled myself together and headed towards Nino. I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Hey man, have you seen Adrien?" I asked, looking around. He smiled when he saw me but frowned slightly.

"He texted me this morning, saying he wasn't coming in. Something about having a headache" he said, pouting slightly. I sighed and my shoulders slumped. Even though him having a headache is very likely, I couldn't help but feel like he was avoiding me. I nodded slightly and headed off to class.

Marinette was pouting heavily in her chair and Nino and I looked at each other, wondering what that was about. We both gave questioning looks to Alya who sighed.

"Marinette has been obsessed with the idea of finding her soulmate. She's upset because it isn't working" she explained. I nodded in understanding. I sadly couldn't relate and I couldn't help but feel bad knowing that my soulmate is the boy she's in love with.

I gave her a sad look and put my hand on her shoulder, squeezing it slightly. I bit my lip slightly.

"Do you want me to distract you?" I asked her. She nodded her head, looking up at me like a little kid. I sighed, knowing that I had to do this.

"I broke up with Chat Noir" I stated. All three pairs of eyes nearly popped out of their heads. Nino looked like he was about to cry.

"I just couldn't be with him, knowing I have a soulmate out there" I explained, causing both girls to nod in understanding. Nino was texting with speed and went to sit at his desk. I didn't realise this "news" would upset him so much.

I sat at my desk and pouted myself, sad that Adrien wasn't coming today. I pulled out a pen and started drawing a small kitten on my hand, hoping it would make his day.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now