Alya and Villains || Chapter 5 ||

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After dinner, I put the leftovers in the fridge and the dishes into the sink. My father seemed tired and we both knew Marie wouldn't do it.

"I'm going to have a shower" I said softly, kissing my sleepy father's forehead. He smiled gratefully at me and I headed upstairs to the bathroom. The bathroom was mainly white with light blue accents, big fluffy towels, and a large shower.

I turned on the hot water and stripped out of my clothes while waiting for the shower to warm up. I dumped my worn clothes into the washing hamper and stepped into the hot shower. I sighed as I let the water wash away everything. I took my long auburn hair out of the ponytail, running my fingers through it.

"I'm in love with the shape of you. We push and pull like a magnet do. Although my heart is falling too. I'm in love with your body" I sang quietly, washing the soap from my hair and trying my best not to slip over while dancing.

I turned off the shower, wrung out my hair and stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a big towel. I walked into my room, closing the door behind me with my foot and opened my wardrobe. I threw on some comfortable underwear, a singlet, and some pyjama pants.

My phone beeped, signally I had a message. Confused, I walked over to my phone and unlocked it.

Hey, a few of us were planning a get together at the park after school tomorrow. You in? – Nino

Yeah, sure. It'll be fun – Riva

Awesome! I'll let them know – Nino

Uh, by the way, who is "them"? – Riva

Adrien, Alya, Marinette, Nathanel, Kim and Max – Nino

Oh thank god. I thought it'd be like Chloe or something -Riva

We don't really invite her anywhere. She just shows up -Nino

I chuckled lightly. Why did that not surprise me? I plugged my phone in to charge and turned the lights off in my room before flopping down onto my bed. The park really does sounds fun, I can't wait. I slowly fell asleep to the thoughts of new friends.

I woke up to my phone buzzing and groaned, reaching out and grabbing it with my eyes closed. I answered the call, tired and irritated.

"Hey girl! It's Alya, got your number from Nino."

"What time is it?"

"Time for you to be on your way to school. Are you still in bed?"

"WHAT?!" I shot out of bed and checked the time, telling me that I really did need to be on my way to school.

"Shit, shit, shit" I started throwing random clothes on, hoping for the best before tugging on some boots and running out of my house.

"You're almost as bad as Marinette"

"Ah, I can make it if I run the whole way. I'll meet you out front"

I hung up and ran, doing my best not to twist an ankle in these boots. It didn't take me long to make it to school and I spotted Alya waiting for me out the front with Nino and Adrien. I let out a breath of relief, realising I wasn't late.

"Nice shirt" Alya grinned at me. I looked down and confusion and saw a black shirt that said "I'm not a princess who needs saving. I'm a queen, I've got this shit handled". I groaned, knowing it wasn't school appropriate.

"It was the first shirt I grabbed" I pouted, crossing my arms. Nino laughed and I playfully glared at him. Adrien shrugged off his jacket and handed it to me. I tried to politely decline but he insisted. I stuck my bottom lip out as I did up the jacket, making sure it covered the offensive word.

"Well Queen Riva, we should go to class" Nino joked, making everyone laugh. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway.

Class was abnormally quiet, even Chloe wasn't talking which was strange. Today just felt weird. I sighed and started tapping my pen out of boredom. Rose quietly asked if I could stop and I nodded politely but that left me with nothing to do.

I started tapping the pen against my face and staring at the clock on the wall, wishing for it go faster and let us out for lunch already. A loud bang startled everyone and I drew a line across my face before groaning and trying to rub it off. I apologised in my head to A.

The door flew open and there was Ladybug. She looked at all of us before instructing us to leave. I didn't need to be told twice. Alya grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the bang. Is this girl crazy?

"I run a blog on Ladybug and I need to film her in action. Plus, you like superheroes, why not see some real-life ones?" she questioned and I gave in, letting my curiosity get the better of me. We ran out of the school and stopped in fright. Standing right in front of us was a man in a suit with a mask and a large briefcase.

"Uh, I think we're in trouble" Alya said quietly. He raised his briefcase and I wasn't sticking around to find out what it did.

"We're leaving now!" I stated, grabbing her arm, and pulling her behind a sign, letting whatever briefcase man shot at us hit it. With my hand, still firmly around her wrist, I kept running in the opposite direction of this crazy guy.

"What's this guy's deal?" I asked, noticing he was following us. Damnit, where are the superheroes?

"I really dislike you right now" I muttered, earning a laugh from Alya. I pushed her into an alley and turned around, staring down creepy villain man. He chuckled darkly.

"Well? I'm right here" I stated, my heart thumping in my throat. He raised his briefcase and shot. I threw myself out of the way and behind a car. Jesus Riva, this isn't a comic book. This is real life, you can't just pull moves like that.

My breathing was ragged and my hands were shaking but that didn't stop me from looking over the car, only to duck down again as he continued shooting at me. I covered my head from glass that smashed.

"Come on Chat! We have to help her!"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now