Bowling and Anthony || Chapter 26 ||

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Breakfast the next morning was amazing. Marinette's parents baked a bunch of different things, telling us to help ourselves. I packed a little container for the boys, as I was seeing them later today and they seriously had to eat this food.

After packing up my minimal things, I thanked the Dupain-Cheng family for letting me stay before heading off towards Nino's house. Half way through my walk I felt eyes on me and shivered, hugging my light jacket closer to my body. I have no idea on what to do to make stalkers leave you alone.

"You're so beautiful, Mon" Anthony's voice purred. If I wasn't so confused, I'd probably be disturbed and slightly afraid. But he called me someone's name. Is it possible that he has just gotten us confused?

I stopped just out the front of Nino's house before turning towards Anthony reluctantly. He better not try anything this time or I swear, I'll hit him.

"I'm not Mon, Anthony you need to stop following me" I told him firmly. An anger was burning in his eyes and I decided now was the time to leave. I quickly hurried inside Nino's house and his mother told me where his room was.

I walked into Nino's room, seeing both him and Adrien at his computer. I cleared my throat, letting them know I was here. Both boys jumped before smiling over at me and gesturing for me to come over.

Of course, I listened and saw Nino playing Outlast. This could be very funny. Adrien turned to me and nodded his head towards the window.

"I saw that Anthony walked you here" he stated, sounding irritated. I groaned, remembering the angry look in his eyes when I told him to stop following me.

"He called me by someone else's name" I told him, confusing him deeply. Adrien looked genuinely interested while Nino was making fake noises of agreement. I was just as confused as Adrien though I was slightly more worried. What if he is mentally unstable? Or criminally insane?

I shook myself free of the thoughts, wanting to spend quality time with my two best friends. Nino swore and carried on while running away from a giant monster guy. If I wasn't too busy laughing at Nino, I'd probably be scared with him but the boy was too funny.

"Rivaaaaa, it's scary" Nino pouted, looking at me sadly. I wiped a tear from my eye and took deep breaths, trying to get the air back into my lungs. Adrien looked amused and pushed Nino back to his game and we both lent over, watching him play.

I pointed out a keycard before a guy jumped at us, causing me to stumble back with a squeal and cover my face with my hands. I heard both Nino and Adrien laughing and peeked through my fingers, seeing them looking at me. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

Nino's phone rang and his conversation was short but he seemed excited the whole time. I looked at Adrien but he just shrugged, giving me no answer. I sighed but walked over, sitting on Adrien's lap and waited for an explanation from Nino.

The darker skinned boy turned to us with a big grin before jumping out of his chair, catching me off guard.

"Kim has invited a bunch of people to go bowling!" He cheered. I cheered but Adrien looked confused. Has he never been bowling? I grinned and stood up, pulling Adrien up and happily running downstairs with both boys chasing after me.

The bowling alley wasn't too far from Nino's house about a 20 minute walk. The whole time Nino explained what bowling was like while I silently cooed over how cute Adrien's face is when he is innocently interested in something.

We arrived at the bowling alley and were greeted by Alix, Max, Kim, Nathanel, Juleka and Rose. I bounced on the balls of my feet, barely keeping my excitement at bay. I'm not very good at bowling but it's lots of fun. Plus, with Adrien never having been bowling, he should be terrible. Which is something to hold against him.

It turns out Adrien is not terrible at bowling. This left me at the disadvantage as Adrien held my lack of skill against me. Thankfully I wasn't the worst. That spot was left to poor Max. Though it was all in good fun and everyone was having a great time.

Anthony stormed in with a dark red marking around his eyes and a hard look on his face. He's akumatized? Is it possible he has been this whole time? Or did I do this? I don't want to believe that I did this. I don't want to be responsible for another akuma attack.

Is he going to attack the building? His eyes look over everyone before he walked out. Maybe I could talk to him? If I did this, maybe I can undo it. I quickly stood up, following him out.

"Anthony! Wait!" I called out, but saw him standing in the middle of the street, waiting for me. I looked around slightly uncomfortable with the situation at hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so cold earlier" I tried apologising. His glare hardened on me and I unconsciously took a step back. This could go very bad for me if I say the wrong thing.

"You're sorry?! You left me in the rain with my heart ripped out Mon!" He yelled loudly, piercing my ears. I covered my ears and couldn't help but look at him in confusion. He called me Mon again. This girl must've broken his heart and now he thinks I'm her?

He raced towards me and grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling me close to his face and staring deep into my eyes. I looked at him terrified and felt his breath fan across my face. He looked behind me before smirking and heaving me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!" I protested, not wanting to go anywhere with this guy. I looked back and saw that Marinette and Alya had finally shown up and Adrien and Nino were running after us.

Anthony ran quite fast, making my hair whip around me so I couldn't see anything but I heard cars honking. I knew we were still on the road and eventually he threw me down and I grunted as I made impacted with the concrete.

I looked up at him in anger but knew I should hold my tongue if I want to keep it. Anthony looked angry and he kept watch of the roof tops, waiting for Ladybug and Chat Noir. Well Chat was definitely coming but would Ladybug know I was taken?

"After I've taken the heroes' Miraculous', I'll be taking you as a prize."

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat Noirजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें