Agreste Mansion and Alyno || Chapter 15 ||

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I finally arrived at Adrien's. I was shivering and clutching at myself trying to keep some warmth. The temperature wasn't all that cold but the wind was arctic. I pushed on the little button next to the giant gate and all I received was a camera in my face.

"Can I help you?"

A voice asked. It wasn't harsh but it certainly put me on edge. I shuffled my feet nervously and looked into the camera.

"I'm Riva Osment. I'm a friend of Adrien's, he should be expecting me" I stated, hoping that would allow me to be brought inside. The camera went back to it's original place and the gates opened wide enough for me to slip in.

I quickly slipped in and had the gates shut behind me. I looked up at the Agreste mansion and swallowed nervously. This place was huge. I quickly walked up to the door that was opened for me. I nearly fell into the warmth of inside, sighing in relief.

"Riva!" Adrien's voice called out. I looked up and saw him running down the stairs, a concerned look upon his face. He ran over, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me upstairs, saying something about privacy.

His room was huge, holding anything you could ever want. I stood in the middle and dropped my bag on the floor next to the couch. Adrien turned me to him and cupped my face. There was something familiar in the way he held me. His concerned eyes, another thing that was familiar. I grabbed his wrists, clinging to him, not wanting him or the calm familiar feeling he brought to leave.

He sighed slightly, pulling me into him and holding the back of my head. I rested my ear on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"What happened? I didn't get a lot from Chat Noir" he asked quietly, stroking my hair. I sighed and squeezed him, hating that Marie and what she had done hurt me this deep.

I explained what happened, refusing to let go of him and he didn't seem to have any problems with that, if anything, he held me tighter. He sighed slightly and kissed my hair. I tilted my head down, placing my forehead against his chest.

I shouldn't be this comfortable with him. But he's my best friend. He's Adrien. He's understanding and sweet and will drop everything to help someone. I squeezed my eyes shut, getting angry at myself. Stop, just stop thinking.

"Are you all right?" he asked quietly, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up and nodded my head, giving him a small smile. He smiled back and we pulled away from each other. I went back to looking around his room. A light blush rose on his cheeks and I grinned at him.

"I like your roo- HOLY COW LOOK AT YOUR COMPUTER" I yelled excited, running over to his computer. It had three screens and was the top of the line. I squealed and jumped a bit in excitement.

Adrien laughed at my reaction, walked over, and signed into his computer before gesturing for me to use it. I gasped and giggled before placing myself in his computer chair. Ohhhhh, this is nice. I opened Mirror's Edge, having it play on all three screens. I was having a complete fangirl moment.

"Adrien this is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me!" I squealed excited while playing. He chuckled while leaning over my shoulder, watching me play.

"Well you can come over whenever to play with my computer" he told me, causing me to beam up at him. He grinned brightly back, seeming happy. I turned back to the game and Adrien was watching intently. His phone started going off and he looked at it confused before answering it.

"Nino, What's up?"

I paused the game, looking at Adrien with an eyebrow raised and he shrugged, putting the phone on speaker.


"Ah why don't you tell us what happened?"


"Riva's here"


"No, we're talking about you here Nino"

"Soulmate. I found mine"

Adrien's eyes widened and he looked at me shocked. I was indeed shocked and speechless. Nino had found his soulmate?

"Do you know who it is?"

"It's ALYA"

I jumped up, squealing in excitement. YES! This is the most amazing thing ever. I knew they were perfect for each other and apparently so did fate. Adrien watched me with amusement as I was dancing around, starting to sing about Nino and Alya. Adrien congratulated Nino before they wrapped up their conversation.

"Alya and Nino!" I yelled at Adrien with a grin. He laughed and nodded, a grin forming on his face.

"I knew they'd be perfect together" I stated. Adrien agreed with me on that and we both went back to the computer, this time Adrien sat on the computer chair and I watched from over his shoulder.

He was better than me so I huffed, crossed my arms, and pouted which caused Adrien to laugh. I bumped the chair with my hip, making him move the mouse and send Faith off the building. He gave me a playful glare and I chuckled, trying to pretend I didn't know what happened.

I grinned at him before he turned back to the game. My phone beeped, saying I got a text message and I looked at it.


I knew you two were perfect for each other -Riva

Were we your OTP? -Alya

Were? Honey, you're still my OTP -Riva

I put my phone on the desk and slipped in between Adrien and the desk, sitting on his lap and stealing the controls. He tried to object but I just turned around and stuck my tongue out. He sighed but gave up trying to fight for controls.

We ended up working together to play, he had control over the mouse while I controlled the keyboard. His left arm was wrapped around my waist and at first, I had been slightly uncomfortable but after a few strokes from his thumb, I melted into him. We worked well as a team and it was incredibly fun.

"Thank you, Adrien, for everything tonight" I thanked him, looking down at him and smiling softly. He gave me a smile that I couldn't read.

"You're welcome, anything for you"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now