trente et un - a master plan

Comincia dall'inizio

"Then how do you know it was French? Actually, you know what? Never mi-" Jo was cut off when someone cleared their throat behind them.

The three of them in the room turned their heads around immediately, relieved to see that it was only Mitch and grateful to see that it was not Jacob.

"Uh, guys, Jacob sent me to take Troye to him. He said it was urgent," Mitch said with a small cough.

"Oh, okay. Alright," Jo said, standing in front of Troye as Dan quickly swooped up the outfit messily inside the shopping bag.

"Don't tell Jacob about this AT ALL," Dan whisper-shouted in Troye's ear. Troye nodded softly, preparing to leave the room.

He smiled at Mitch and Mitch smiled back. Ever since the day Jacob had "proposed" to him and they had become endgame, Mitch had been avoiding Troye. The poor boy with such innocence in his eyes and mind had thought it was all his fault.

He tapped Mitch's shoulder and then asked him,

"Mitchy, why you not talking to me? I do something w-wrong?" Troye asked.

"No, it's not that," Mitch said softly to which Troye responded by gripping his hand softly. The warmth of their entangled fingers made the older boy's cheeks glow a shade of red.

"Then what? You my good friend, what happened?" Troye asked, stopping him from continuing on walking further in the corridor that joined the base of the stairs and the living room.

"Because—" Before he could even speak up, he was cut off by Jacob who was breathing heavily and running towards them.

Jacob saw Mitch and then enveloped Troye in a hug. Mitch stood back, trying to smile at the two, trying to be happy for them, but he couldn't help the little twitching and squeezing of his heart.

"Oh, god. I came back home from ice skating practice just now," Jacob said as he placed a loving kiss on Troye's plump lips.

"Now?" Troye asked again as he glanced a look at Mitch, remembering that Mitch said something along the lines that Jacob had sent him to get Troye back.

"Yes, just now," Jacob said as he glanced Mitch a possessive look back, holding the shorter boy tightly next to him and covering his temple and cheeks with small kisses which made Troye blush like a tender, blooming rose.

Mitch bit his lip as he watched Troye blush and being kissed continuously.

"So, uh, I should probably leave..." Mitch said awkwardly. 

"Kindly do," Jacob told him as he gripped onto Troye's shoulder harder, almost hurting him as the poor boy looked up with furrowed eyes at Jacob.

Once he was gone, Jacob let his grip relax and then nuzzled his nose against Troye's.

"I'm tired... We should cuddle and watch some movie right now," He placed a kiss on Troye's forehead, right where one of his wild curls rested.

"And homework?" Troye asked innocently.

"Who cares about that, huh? I just wanna squish you and give you lots and lots of kisses and keep you safe and warm as you snuggle in my arms," Jacob said.

"Mignon," Troye whispered before giggling softly and resting his fingers gently gain Jacob's cheek.

Without any warning, the short boy was scooped up into the arms of the older one and then carried upstairs into his bedroom. Jacob laid the boy gently on the bed and then lowered himself on it beside the small boy. They sat there, cuddling and smiling as they watched some old Charlie Chaplin movie with a warm, content feeling in their hearts.  

"Tummy rub, please?" Troye asked as he placed one of his hands on his tummy and jutted his lower lip out in a pout. Jacob nodded, reaching out to give his beautiful, soft boy a gentle tummy rub as he giggled softly. 

A white fluffy blanket covered their bodies a they laid against each other. Troye felt safe.

Before the movie had ended, two boys were seen tangled with each other on the bed. The older one was lazily making out with this pretty French boy. The moment wasn't sexual, but intimate. Neither had any intention of stopping. But then Jacob pulled back. 

Tucking a wild curl gently behind Troye's ear, Jacob leaned forward and whispered sleepily, 

"I love you, Tro." 

"Love you too, Jakey." 

With those sweet words, both boys drifted off into a peaceful sleep next to each other with their breathing patterns aligned, arms around each other's body.

It was such a peaceful sight to see, pleasing to the eye and the soul.


Wow, shitty chapter again, can't believe I typed it up and I also can't believe how much I'm actually losing my potential of writing sorry 😐 (stfu this was uhmayzing, jo) 

heyu bubs (shellz here obviously), sorry i didn't update this earlier *cough* i wanted to make sure it was perfect (i edited a lot of shit, sorry jo dont be mad hefdihfjdk you love meeee!!!!!!!) 

prince jacob is daddy af, shlurp! okay baiiii

ily all and hope y'all had a gr9 day !!

Oui ⭐ tracob auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora