12. Gotta have hairspray

Start from the beginning

So, thank you all for your patience and (silent) encouragement! Chapter 12 will release on this announcement, so keep an eye out!

As an apology, I'll share some teasers with you guys with chapters 12-18

12: Stormy weather 13: Fuko has eaten a lot more than just a few crumbs BEWARE EXTREME FEELS 14: Oh ho ho! You thought his bad luck was over! 15: Technically Timebreaker occurs here, but Felix is busy dealing with the cliffhanger from 14 16: small breather 17: Felix needs to chill 18: Mime occurs here, and apparently Félix's mom has been keeping secrets

My sincerest apologies, again, I'm working on 12 I promise


Why did I agree to this again? I found myself wondering for the tenth time as I held a reflector for the photographer. I kept casting some awkward glances at Paws' bodyguard.

Somehow, Paws managed to convince me to come to his photoshoot at the park that we were making fun of his dad in. I was mostly worried because Fuko had, yet again, managed to find and eat some crumbs of something. For once I think it wasn't bread, but I was furious with her. I could only hope it wouldn't affect Paws' photoshoot too terribly. Somebody was going to get lectured later today, and become very very wet.

For a suitable temporary punishment for Fuko, I trapped her into my pocket. Out of spite, she kept repeating anything anyone said. So mainly, whatever orders the photographer was giving to Paws.

Paws waved to some people at the back of the park, and the photographer shot him a dirty look.

"Bravo! That's it! Give me the smile when your mom brings in spaghetti!" the photographer ordered Paws now that the photographer had his attention again.

"Smile Félix!! It's your mom's spaghetti!!" Fuko chirped from my pocket. Suddenly the button popped off. Great, just my luck. Now I'd have to sew it back on. Fuko zoomed out of the pocket and flew around my head deliberately annoying me, "It's on the floor now Félix!!!" She hovered over my face, "EAT IT!!! EAT IT!!!" She began shoving her paws at my lips.

Ticked off that I couldn't say anything to her due to too many people around, I tried waving my hand in her direction as if she were a fly to get her to knock it off.

"Yessss!" She easily dodged my hand, "Angry!!! Look angry Félix! Good job!!" Fuko made a face at me, "Now give me angst!!! Yes! Yes! Good!"

"The lighting is off!!" The photographer snapped his head in my direction while someone's toddler started screaming about balloons or something.

"Sorry, there's a bug," I told him.

"At this time of year?!"

"Yeah," I shot a furious glare at Fuko, "must be some rare form of pest!"

I heard Paws laughing at my comment, by the look of his face, he clearly understood what was going on.

"Perfect!" The photographer turned around and flashed a photo of Paws laughing as fast as he could. He absent mindedly pointed at me, "Make him laugh!" he ordered me.

"Aww have you met Félix?" Fuko cooed, "He doesn't know how to smile! Much less make someone smile!"

"Paws," I looked seriously at him, "Duck butt hair," I said flatly.

Paws immediately snorted and started laughing uncontrollably, scrunching up his face even.

"No no no!" The photographer groaned, "Now he's laughing too hard!" He stood up and thought hard as Paws attempted to quench his laughter. The photographer snapped his fingers with an idea, "I've got it! A way to make you more motivated! More exciting!!" He spun around to face me so fast I have no idea how he didn't get vertigo, "You! Assistant!" he pointed at me, "Go pose with him!"

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