Family Reunion

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"You need to leave us alone." I say hotly in his face.

"Aiden my boy" says Stefan roughly clapping a hand on my shoulder.

"That isnt my name and im not your boy," I say rudely shoving his hand off my shoulder.

Once the words tumble out of my mouth his whole demeanor changes. The once smiling face turns to a cold scoul. Just as when I was a child you never know when his personality would change.I was once long ago scared of the man before me, terrified I would say the wrong thing. Do the the wrong thing at the wrong time. I used to lie awake in the castle to afraid to sleep because he was always there in my nightmares. I was glad the day he sent me to become the false prince of Kyben. Glad to escape his rough hand that always caused me pain.

"Giddian you cant keep pretending. You are not a prince. You never will be. Stop trying to protect her shes not worth it. You think shell forgive you when she knows what you did. Do you? Youre a fool your living someone elses life. You cant stop me. I will kill her. Ila is her name right?"

At the mention of her name i'm snapped to my senses.

"You lay a one finger on her I will kill you." I say stepping closer to him.

"HaHaHa" he laughs. "Youve grown some I see, You would never have stood up to me."

"Im not the same person I used to be" I say clenching my teeth and taking another step forward.

"I can see that" Stefan replies snarkily.

"Im finished playing with you, you have twenty four hours still I make my appearance. When the time comes we will return to Kyben with the little brat in toe. If you try to flee she will be shot on sight. Do you hear me?"

Dropping my head I mumbled a quick yes sir.

a sharp stinging slap is delivered to my cheek making my head snap violently to the side.

"Speak up boy" hisses Stefan.

"Yes sir" I say slowly looking up into his cold green eyes.

The years have really taken a toll on my father. His black curly hair seemed greasy and went just to his shoulders. An evil looking scar was just under his right eye.

Turning my back to him I start to make my way out of his deathly presence.

"Go to h.. before I could finish my sentence

I was kicked down by a great impact just below my rib cage. Stefan placed his big dirty boot on the side of my head pushing my head into the ground. The heavy weight of the boot dug my head into the ground. Just as I thought he was going to try and kill me. He released his hold and kneeles down by my face.

" Remember your place Aiden" He hisses.

His sour breath wafting in my face making me sick. Getting to his feet he starts to walk away. I guess deciding I didn't get the message he whipped around and kicks me hard in the stomach.

"Mhgh" I weeze out trying to crawl away. With another two sharp kicks to my side I collapse struggling to breath in and out. Tasting the foul coppery taste of blood I raise my head and spit the warm liquid in his face.

Stefan raised his hand slowly to his face dragging his fat hand down it collecting the droplets. Like a cork on a wine bottle he blew up. Face red with anger he screams

"You're worthless!" Your an idiot!"

"A waste of space!"

"A mistake!"

With one last bubbling fit of rage he kicks his silver tipped boot towards my face. With the cool metal crashing in between my eyes, the pain was unbearable and ate me up almost instantly. Shaking back info forth I try to raise My hands to face but there is no use i've started to go into shock. A scream I could feel in my chest was clawing at me like a savage beast. Like a lion ripping at its chains to be free. Not able to open my eyes my body starts to go numb, a fuzzy feeling creeping over my legs then up my torso like a mist surrounding me. A searing white light flashes in my closed eyes then nothing at all.

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