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I know I was being carried. To wear I have no clue. I can barely open my eyes. Without a hot searing flesh ripping through my senses.

"Shhhhh" Comes the calm voice carrying me.

"Papa" I call.

"No" the voice replies..

Fighting through the pain I open my eyes to see the pearson face.

The face of a curly haired boy fills my vision.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"It's me Giddian" Comes the voice of the boy.

Staring blankly at his face his expression one of complete dismay.

"You don't know who I am?" he says puzzled.

"Should I?" I say

"I'm your brother, Giddian" he says starting to panic.

"I'm sorry but I've never seen you in my life sir" I say starting to get upset.

Who does he think he is. When I asked who he was, he seemed almost broken. But how could that be I've never even seen him. Plop, Looking up I see his eyes are glassy. You can tell trying hes trying to hide it with the way he has his face angled away. Reaching the top of the beach. He sets me down against a bumpy Palm tree.

"I'll... ah... be back" he says in a raspy voice. It sounds like he had eaten sand.

"Eh excuse me but, do you know we're we are" I say softly. With my constant headache I couldn't seem to make my voice loader.

"No.. I don't" he says swiftly turning around and walking off.

Following his tall figure till he disappeared behind an especially tall palm. I hesitantly reach my hand to my forehead which felt the most tender. Running my fingers around I find a gash running from my temple down to my left brow. Wincing from the pain I slowly bring my hand down to abserb the the damage. Warm burgundy blood covered the tips of finger. Suddenly feeling light headed I stand tripping on my night gown and half running have dive behind a patch of Black Susans.

After minutes of emptying my stomach I slowly stand and walk toward the palm I was leaning against moment before. Sitting back down I start to realize I have no idea where I was. thought of. It never occurred to me why I was on a strange island with a boy I've never meet. Come to think of it I dont even know my name. Feeling sick again I slump down in the sand. Resting my cheek against the slowly cooling sand. Raising my gaze to the sky I see the moon. I pale crescent moon in a pitch black sky.Wondering if somewhere my family was looking at the same moon as I was.

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