The I Hate You's

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 I grab the cold silver handle of the brush. Evelyn sitting in my lap I drag the brush through her tangled hair.

"Oww" she whines.

As I start french braiding her hair I hear a faint knock on the door.

"Come in" I call

"Just me" says Giddian

Tieing the velvet ribbon in her hair he starts to sit.

"We can talk in the library, she needs to sleep its been a long day for all of us" I said.

Saying an okay he briskly walk out the bedroom door.

"Okay munchkin lets get to bed." I say gently.

Evelyn silently obliges, pulling her soft silver sheets down she slides between the blanket. Kissing her forehead I pull the blanket to her chin. Pushing her bangs from her forehead I kiss her goodnight.

"Sweet dreams darling" I whisper softly and walk toward the door.

Hurriedly walking down the stairs I make a left turn and stopping in my tracks. Right before me stood the painting of my mother and fathers wedding day. When my father meet my mom he had already been king for a little over four years. It was just like Cinderella he held a ball to find his princess. When he first seat his eyes on her he knew right away they were meant to be. A week later they were married. And little over a year later Giddian came along.

Shaking my head to clear the memories I continue my path to the library. After a few more minutes I reach the the great wood doors doors of the library swinging them open, and briskly walking to the leather reading chair by the mantel.

Grabbing the bottom of my nightgown I sit with my feet tucked under me in my father's old chair.

So many memories in this room. Looking around the many selves were I found my escape so many times. From traveling with Robinson Crusoe and falling down pesky rabbit holes to experiencing hardship with Meg and Jo. Seeing the room the same way my father left it brought a strange feeling to the pit of my stomach. The nipping cold drew me out of my thoughts, I grab the fur blanket from the arm and cover up in it.

"Giddian it feels like and ice age is starting" I try to say but the blankets muffles the words.

But as usually he knew what I wanted before I can say it. With a nod he heads over to the hearth adds a few logs and strikes a match. Taking the pick from its holder he sifts through the logs till they started to glow brightly.

After getting the fire started he shuffles into to the chair across from me. Clasping his hands and leaning an elbow on his knee. With the light of the fire illuminates the curve of his nose and curl of his lashes,

He speaks up "We are leaving Friday night"

"To go where?" I asked

"Evelyn is getting sicker by the day she needs a vacation, with everything going on maybe you need one to." he mumbles.

"You do not get to choose these things for me" I say throwing the blanket off and standing up.

"I do, and will" he says starting to raise his voice.

"You are not my dad Giddian!" I screeche

"I am your legal guardian. You are merely a child, a young dumb little girl" His eyes darken at his rage.

"I hate you" I whisper eyes filled with tears.

He tries to grab my arm thinking better of it he lets his own drop meekly to his side. Running through the door in which we came. Running down the hallway I grab the handle of the first door to my right. Slamming the door shut, I sink to the floor with my head in between my knees.After it seems like days have past but in reality its probably been an hour. The cold marble floor of the room makes my toes start to go numb. After I've had enough cursing Giddian to his grave. Standing on shaky legs I walk into the joint bathroom. Splashing cool water on my face does little for the pounding headache that has started. Walking back through the bathroom door I climb into the soft feather bed. Covering my head in the thick down blanket.

"Momma what am I going to do" I cry.

Hugging my pillow tightly to my chest I close my eyes, wishing the day to just end.

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