You're Late

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 Arriving back at camp I set to work on my soup. Thanking God the whole time that Giddian wasn't back. Where in the devil could that man be? Retrieving the knife from the bag I clean it with some soot and wipe it on my dress. Gently sticking the tip in the clam shells crease with a forceful flip of my wrist the contents are exposed. Dumping it in the in the tin I start on another. I need to make a basket tomorrow I say to myself. I need something other than this old can. Reminding myself of the task at work I soon fall into a rhythm. Stick, flip. pour. Stick, flip, pour. Sooner then I realize it im already done.Taking the fish out once again I skin it and chop it. Once I finished dicing the meat I add it to the can. Taking the firewood from next to the door I start a fire with one of the matches. Realizing Giddian must of been here to bring wood. Why was he avoiding me? I thought..

Forgetting my troubles for the time being I finish cooking dinner. After the soup comes to a nice steamy boil I retrieve the can from the fire using the cape as an oven mitt. Placing the can by the entrance so it will cool I sit back to wait for Giddian's return. After about An hour I stand And get the can. Hungrilly drinking half I set the rest down for him later. Angrily cleaning my mess I gather all the clam shells to use tomorrow. Once the task was finished I settle down in my corner with mine and his blanket.

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