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Sitting in a mossy puddle in the middle of the island. I hug my knees to my chest to keep myself from losing much needed body heat.




Craning my neck behind me I see a rustle in the leaves. Standing slowly I start to tiptoe my way through the leaves. A black shadowy figure emerges from behind the palm tree.

Holding my breath I turn and start to run. Running through the trees I make a sharp left turn. Risking a glance behind me I see the pervert is hot on my heels. Grabbing my dress so as to not trip I run faster. Sweat starts to bead on my forehead and drips into my eyes. The liquid makes my eyes burn. glancing to the sky I See the sun is starting to set in the west. With panicking finally setting in I dash behind a nearby tree.Throwing a hand over my heart to slow its erratic rhythm I sink to my knees. Clasping my arms around my legs I burry my head in my knees. Knowing my actions were of a four year old I hoped the old saying "If I can't see you then you can't see me" would go into play now. Closing my eyes I wish with all my heart for Giddian to be here.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" a high long pitched scream oozes from my mouth.Two large beefy hands grab me around the shoulders and ripped me backwards.

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