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Slowly stepping with one foot sturdily planted on the ground I move the next to fallow. The entrance to the den is very steep . Ducking my head as to not hit it while walking.

As we walk thoughts race through my mind.

Who's following us? How does Giddian know this place? Whose ruling the kingdom? Do the people know we are alive? They probably think we were overthrown. And what about Evelyn? Is she dead? Has she been thrown in prison? Is she getting sicker?

Not noticing that Giddian stopped in front of me I run straight into him, before I can fall he has already caught me around the waist as smoothly as it happened I am st back on my feet.

"Okay you have got to stop doing that." I say to him.

"Shhh they're still out there!" He whispers closely to my ear.

A we reach the bottom of the den, I retreat to the corner farthest from the entrance. Gently as to not make a sound I set the sack on the ground. Unclasping my cape and letting it fall in a velvety puddle around me I sit down. Smoothing my ripped and tattered nightgown search through the sack for the metal tin. Quikly finding it. I search the floor of the den with a quick sweep of my eyes. Spotting a medium stone a few feet away, I set down the tin a crawl over to it. Gracefully picking it up I return to previous spot. I smoothly take the tin and separate the herbs from the onion roots. Once again taking the stone in my hands I grind the small handful of herbs.

"What are you doing?" Giddian whispers from the opposite end of the den.

"Making tea you idiot, What does it look like?" I say while pretending the tin can was his face. I grind the herbs more forcefully.

"Well look who's gotten bolder since that knock on the head now" Giddian says with an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh give it a rest would you already!" I retort crossing my arms angrily across my chest.

Setting my now powdery tin cup of future tea down beside me I pull the ripped cape over my lap and rest my head on the wall. Saying my prayers. And hopping for an answer, I drift to sleep in the silent darkness.

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