Sticky Situation

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"Hold on I almost got it" Giddian says trying to keep his balance.

"Dont die on me now, I need your help you know." I call up.

Giddian was dangling from the top branch of a tree trying to smoke out a beehive. You see when we woke up this morning My throat was scratchy from dehydration. Giddian being his usual macho self thought that if he got me some honey the problem would be solves. So that is how he ended up in a tree. While he searched for a hive this morning I made a torch to smoke the bees out. Taking a thick short branch and ripping a piece off our makeshift door, I tied it around an end and lit the fabric. Carrying a small amount of water in the tin can I followed Giddian to his bee tree. Dumping the water on the makeshift torch he quickly scaled the tree. You see Giddian can be quite stupid at times. He thought that if you just let the smoke drift in the hive from the outside they would go to sleep. Well let me inform you they don't. Whipping out his pocket knife he starts to saw the branch the hive is connected to.

"Giddian" I scream. "Not yet."

The hive comes whizzing through the air and crashes to the ground right in front of me. For a minute it seems the whole forest was watching to see what would happen. And just like that a million or so very angry bees comes bursting out. And let me tell you they were very angry we destroyed their house.

"Run Ila!" Giddian screams from the tree.

He didn't have to tell me twice. Running like my life depended on it to the water. And speaking of it my life really did depend on it. Trees passing me in a blur. Forget about Giddian he could rot in that stupid tree for all I cared. Breaking out of the tree line I race to the water splashing to my shoulders I duck my head under the waves. Like little bullets the bees hit the water trying to sting me. Before they make it they are drowned by a massive wave.Not only knocking them down, but me too. Being trapped under a wave is like having an elephant sitting on your head, you never know when you'll resurface.Sucking in a mouthfull of dirty sea water. The edges of my vision start to go black. Oh no not this again. Kicking my legs harder and swishing ny arm faster. My head finally resurfaces. Apparently the odds were not in my favour that day. As fast as I came up was as quickly I went back under. This time I was to weak to push myself back up. The waves were getting stronger. Opening my eyes to the cold water I knew in the back of my mind it would be my last. Stopping the movements of my body and closing my eyes I let myself fall to the will of the sea. As my vision starts fading for a third time from not enough oxygen. My arm is suddenly ripped from the water and slung over a neck. Being to tired to move I let the pearson puppel me to the surface.

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