The Truth

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A rough rope ties my wrist together creating a red tender ring of skin on my arms. And thick black cloth blinds my eyes to the scenes in front of me. My captor leads me forward with a rough tug of the rope. The big burly man leading me comes to an abrupt halt I stumble into the man leading me.

"Watch it!" he growls lowly under his breath.

Sucking in a deep breath of air I gain my balance and take a hesitant step back. The man circles around me clicking his tongue. I hang my head scared of what the man might say or do and wish that Giddian would show up soon.

Soon I hear the footsteps of two other men circling me. The one stops just next to me and starts to whisper in my ear.

"You are such a pretty lady." comes a gruff low voice in my ear.

"To bad you can't live long." he says again.

At his nasty words I start to tug on the ropes. Which only makes them rub harder against my wrists.

"Now, Now struggling will only make it worse." He says calmly.

His words were meant to comfort and calm me but it just made my nerves worse. I started yanking and pulling on the ropes binding me frozen in place. A rough hard slap connected to my cheek. The men behind me pull the black clothes from my eyes. The harsh glaring sun was blinding. When my vision finally cleared I look up to the man in front of me. He had long greasy curly hair and a hideous scar on his unshaven face. He grinned at me pulling his lips up like a dog in a vicious snarl form. Disgusted I look away. My mistake another stinging slap is delivered to my other cheek causing me to look up. Glaring in the man disgust. He raises a hand about to deliver a blow im sure would knock me to the ground. Someone suddenly grabs his wrist forcing him to stop. Looking over I see Giddian standing at the men's side. He gives the man a look then lets go of his wrist slowly. The horrid man dropped his hand to his side like nothing happened.

"Giddian?" I ask.

He stands there with a blank look on his face like he doesn't even see me speaking.

"Giddian?" I say once again but with this time louder and with more force.

But once again he stared blankly ahead like he was looking in a mirror.

"GIDDIAN!" I scream hoping he'll look at me. But still he stares blankly ahead.

"What did you do to him?" I question the man accusingly.

"I did nothing to the boy, What you should be asking is what did he do to you." Says the man he speaks like a fortune cookie and its starting to bother me to no ends.

"What are you talking about?! Giddian would never lie to me he's my brother." I hiss evilly.

"You sure about that?" he says with a sarcastic edge to his gruff voice.

"Giddian?" I inquire.

"Thats not my name" He says finnaly looking down and into my eyes.

His once vibrant beautiful green eyes were a dull lifeless shade as they bore into my own.


"My name" He breathes out a sigh before continuing.

"Its Aiden" He says while looking up into the trees.

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