A Murder

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Raindrops fall lightly against the cool marble of my parents grave. Racing like cars down a path abruptly ending by crashing into the wet dirt at the base of the stone. Just like life right? Racing through life. On a path that was so tragically ended with a single shot. Just like that drop of water.

A warm rough hand takes mine, My brother Giddian. Strangely our similarities end with the blood we share. With my straight flax wheat hair. Giddian neither resembled our mother nor our father. With a head of messy black curls and eyes a sea foam green a reminder of the beautiful coastline of the kingdom of Kyben our parents ruled.

On the other hand our younger sister Evelyn was a spitting image of our father. Long honeycomb hair and steel gray eyes. A beautiful little girl none the less.The sickness she has been suffering through for the past year and a half has taken a toll on her. Once plump and rosy cheeks are now hollow and pale. But, her eyes no matter how sick she was always held joy. Even that could not last.The death of our parents had sucked out every ounce of joy imaginable.

Her head has been buried in my side for the whole service. She's trying to hide her tears, trying to be strong for the kingdom.

"Amen" rung the voice of the minister.

the last words of the ceremony. Giddian kneels down in the soggy ground to get the attention of Evelyn.

"Listen munchkin everything's gonna be okay" he murmured. Evelyn reeled around shouting in his face.

"No its not" she yelled

"Who's gonna brush my hair, who's gonna sew my toys when they break, who's gonna teach me to ride a pony, who's gonna help me with math!" she screeched. All the while slamming her little balled fists into to his chest. He just kneeled their blankly not moving, knowing the consequences of bottling anger up. After she tried to swing at his face he grabbed her little wrists and pulled her gently into a hug. Sobbing she wrapped her small arms around his neck.

After a minute he looked up motioning with a hand to share the embrace. I cried dropping to my knees and hugging them both.

After a long while we gingerly stood. With one last glance we turned and headed to the castle.

Arabella Spencer

Queen of Kyben

Darius Spencer

King of Kyben 

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