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Opening my eyes to to the beigh walls of my room. My back is stiff in my soft bed from lack of sleep. When I close my eyes all I hear and see are the screams of the prisoners. Rolling to my side I pull the blanket tightly for it was November. The weather has been cooling tremendously over the past two weeks. With blanket to my nose I puff my cheeks and blow a thin stream of warm breath into the white blanket. The air spreads and heats my face in an instant. Looking over the edge of the cover I see the gleam of a silver envelope on the dresser. Confused I stand and push my feet into a pair of red fur house shoes. Walking to the dresser I retrieve the envelope. A royal blue wax seal closes the envelope. Flipping it over I see the small loopy handwriting of Giddian. Clutching the letter tightly to my chest I sit in front of the dresser. With my knees to my chest I slowly pry the wax seal off. Opening the envelope I see a thin waxy paper sheets of paper with writing on both sides putting the envelope to the side. I tentatively reach and open the first page.


Im sorry I could not have explained myself in person.When you reach the end of this letter I hope you will understand.Please do not despise me for this I never wished for this to happen. I was raised in a different place. A place far from here a place named Carithiab and a place I hope you never encounter. I was taught to fight, to steal, to win, i was taught to achieve my goals and do whatever it took to do just that . Even if it meant death. I was sent to Kyben when I was young. My father thaught that even at that age I was old enough to serve him. My task was simple he said.

Kill the prince.

I was to impersonate him for as long as my father wished. He said when the time was right he would come. At the time I didn't know what my actions would mean later. The night he sent me I was to enter the princes room and break his neck while he sleep. He said it would be easy. No blood no mess. My father told me he would have someone come to dispose of the body. I had did just that. Without a question or hesitation. Do you know what the worst part was? I didn't feel guilty I didn't even know it was wrong. My fathers claws were buried so deep inside me I might even have killed myself if he told me. Once the prince was dead I was to take his place. i dragged his body to the wardrobe, stripped my clothes and put on one of his nightshirts. I layed in his bed and went to sleep! Nothing seemed to faze me then. A few years went by and I realized I had started to grow fond of the young princes And can you imagine who it was. You. I had fallen madly in love with you and I could not stop myself. About a month before you parents died my father sent me a letter telling me of his plans of attack. I had spent every moment after watching you. But what he didn't know I had also been planing. I knew I would have to take you away. Because I could not stand the thought of you dying. I know it was selfish of me. Do you think the boat at the dock was there by accident? What about the island we were stranded at? Yes the storm was not planned but I was going to wreck the boat when we got closer to land anyways. This is a lot to understand I know. My original plan was to take both you and Evelyn with me. But my fathers armies were a day early It was either you or we stayed. By the time you are reading this letter I will be long gone. There are still dangerous people out there and I am the key that would unlock the door between them and you. And I can not bring myself to put you in more danger than I have already done so. I wish you to understand I am a different person now. You opened my eyes and brought color to my world that used to be all black with hate and cruel words. Dont you see you brought light and love into my life. Although I can not ever return to Kyben's shores that hold the memory of past days in every grain of sand on its beaches. My memory will always be with you. I have made decisions and I hope you can one day understand them.


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