author's note.

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Hey guys, you don't have to read this.


So Rose, Ebony & Snow is the first story that I haven't stopped writing or completely given up on before finishing it. Honestly, I probably should have because the beginning is really shitty and the storyline sucks. Ew, and that cheesy ending?

I'd just like to quickly thank anyone who actually read this terrible, cheesy story that somehow managed to be my most successful one.

Fun fact, I actually changed the ending of this story so many times. That's why I was on hiatus so many times.

In the early stages, originally Maya was supposed to commit suicide after Katy left. The rest of the story would have revolved on how Neveah and Farkle handed it, since Riley and Lucas were originally supposed to be assholes.

I realized that I wanted Neveah and Lucas to stay friends and a character's death was a horrible way to help develop Neveah and Farkle's relationship. Plus my baby Riley couldn't be mean.

So I changed it to Riley and Maya as endgame. You can never go wrong with Rilaya. I also decided to make Zay a more important character, as you can see in the hospital chapters.

Another change that was made was that the story was supposed to end after 20 chapters. Either Farkle or Neveah would get hit by a truck and the story would just end. I was literally so done with the storyline and just wanted a way to end it.

I then made the decision to add another 10 chapters. This would revolve around Neveah's recovery and gaining her memory back and stuff. At the end of all this, just when Neveah finally remembered Farkle, he was originally supposed to die.

I was finally set on the ending being Farkle's death. But after another hiatus, I decided that if Farkle died, the past 10 chapters would be a waste. And Neveah wouldn't be able to tell if she loved Farkle because she lost him, or if her affection was genuine.

So yeah, that's how this story went from a partial mess to a complete disaster, but I'm glad that you enjoyed it enough to read it all the way through.

Thank you.

*EDIT- I know I haven't replied to everyone's comments but I really appreciate all the love. Even though I was pretty young when I first started this story and a lot of the story lines are kinda dramatic/immature, there's still so much of myself that I put into it and I can't express how amazing it is that so many of you enjoyed it. xx

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