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I opened my eyes, seeing white walls and hearing a faint beeping. The hospital.

"Hey Snowy," Lucas' intense green eyes came into view.

"Hey Friar."

"I took you to the school nurse and she sent you to the hospital for further testing to make sure your head didn't explode or anything," he explained.

"I'll be back," he smiled. I didn't even realize he was holding onto my hand until he let go of it.

He left the room and Aunt Scarlett walked in. I tried to lift my head to greet her but my head didn't cooperate.

"Hi Cinnamon," she stood over my bed and held my hand. "The doctor said that your head is fine and that the pain should go away in a few days. They can keep you here overnight if you'd like but all you need is a few pain killers."

"How's university? I haven't seen you at the apartment in a few weeks."

"Sorry, I've had to stay overnight. If I slept at home, I wouldn't make it in time for classes in the morning. But it looks like you made a new friend. That boy is a cutie," she smirked.

"Lucas is just a friend."

"A good one. Keep him around. I want people looking out for you, Neveah. Not whipping you to the ground. I don't want to tell you who your friends are but from what I hear, it doesn't sound like Sarah's good for you," she said. "She yanked you by the hood? Seriously?"

"I know, Aunt Scar. But I've only been friends with Lucas for like 3 days. There's others too but I don't know if they'll stick around. I don't know them yet."

"Well, what it looks like to me is that Lucas has done more in 3 days than Sarah has done in 3 years," my aunt said. I've mentioned Sarah a few times to her, but I didn't think she actually paid attention.

"Is it bad that I barely know the guy but I consider him my best friend right now?" I never really had a best friend. A friend that actually cared about me. But Lucas was the closest thing.

"Nope," Aunt Scar and I looked at the door that Lucas was standing in.

"I'll leave you two. I'll be staying overnight at the apartment for the next couple of days, Cinnamon," she kissed my hand. Aunt Scarlett left the room and Lucas sat on my bed.

"You know, Neveah, I'm really happy that you consider me your best friend," he smiled.

"Why? You have Zay, Farkle, Maya and Riley," I told him. This hasn't been the first time that I considered someone my best friend, but I wasn't theirs.

"Sure, Zay and Farkle are my best buds. And you know how I feel about Maya and Riley. But Nev, I've never found it so easy to talk to anyone like I have with you," he said. "Yeah, maybe we haven't known each other for long, but I've been more open with you than I have been with anyone else in my life. I feel comfortable around you. I know you won't judge me, I know you'll help me, and I know that I can trust you."

"I trust you too," I told him.

"I don't believe it's ever too early to think of someone as your best friend. Riley and Maya became best friends on the day they met when Maya crawled through her window. And here, in this hospital bed, I'm making you mine. Neveah Rosenthal, you are my best friend⁠—to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part," he laughed, getting down on one knee.

"I guess we're married now?" I laughed along, the pain in my head not being as bad anymore. The laughter, it was the best feeling in the world.

"Just don't tell the others," he winked, getting back on his feet.

"Can you tell Aunt Scarlett that I don't need to stay another night? I'm feeling better."

"Sure," he left the room. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I had a best friend. A real one.

It seemed silly since most people meet their first best friend when they're five.

"Knock knock." I lifted my head again, seeing Farkle poking his head through the door.

"Come in," my smile grew even bigger.

He walked over to my bedside and the first thing he did was adjust my bed. "Lifting your head like that won't do any good for your neck."

"Thanks Farkle."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you this morning. I should have been the one to break Sarah's face," he sighed.

"Wait, someone broke her face?" She disappeared when Lucas was carrying me away.

"Well, no. Maya just slapped her and got sent to the office. Maya didn't deserve to but Hambone saw what he saw," he shrugged.

"So, where were you this morning?" I was a bit inquisitive. I couldn't shake the thought of him cuddling me during the movie, and him asking me to wear his jacket.

"I had to stop by Einstein Academy," he bit his lip. I broke eye contact with him. I couldn't look at him when he looks like...that.

"Are you considering changing schools? Please don't," I whispered the last part to myself, but I knew Farkle heard me.

"No, no, nothing like that. I just had some things to handle. I'm not leaving, Neveah. I never will," he said.

"Except now," Maya walked in. "Gotta talk to Snowy. Scat, Minkus."

As soon as Farkle left, I leaned forward, reaching towards Maya's arm.

"Maya, I'm so sorry, Farkle told me that you got sent to the office."

"Don't worry, it's not like it was the first time I've gotten in trouble. Zay came and explained everything to the principal, so I only have a 2-day suspension, meanwhile Sarah got 2 weeks. Just watch over Riley for me during those 2 days, please," she joked.

I nodded.

"And you know, Snowy... I meant what I said the other day in the cafeteria, and I was right," she said in a more serious tone.

"Hm?" I couldn't remember what she said.

"We needed you more than you think. You're one of us now, Rosenthal. Welcome to the family," she turned to leave the room.

"Maya." She looked back at me, making her beautiful hair fly over her shoulder. "But, it's always just been you guys. The charming jock, the beautiful bad-ass, the perky brunette, and the adorable genius. Even Zay, the class clown. Why do you need me? I still don't get it."

"Snow White. We need a Snow White," she smiled, her eyes glassy.

"We both know that's not a real character archetype," I looked at her.

"You'll see," she left the room, leaving her words to circle my brain once again.

She kept saying that. You'll see.

Rose, Ebony & Snow || Farkle MinkusWhere stories live. Discover now