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Other than getting up to get her food or water, I didn't leave Maya's side all day.

She wasn't eating.

"I should really get Riley, honey. She's your best friend."

"Stop saying that, Neveah. Has the thought even crossed your mind that maybe I don't wanna see her," she turned away.

Honestly, if I were Riley, I'd be upset, maybe even angry, if I couldn't comfort my best friend.

There was a knock on the door. "Can we come in?" Topanga spoke.

I looked at Maya and she frowned but nodded.

"Come in," I said softly. The door opened and Topanga, Cory and Riley came in.

"What's gonna happen to Maya?" Riley said before her parents could explain anything.

Cory looked over at Topanga then at Maya. "Well, we wanted to adopt you."

"...What?" Riley choked out.

"This is good, Maya," I whispered.

Maya squeezed her eyes shut. "They said 'wanted.' As in they don't want to anymore," she mumbled.

Topanga tapped her fingers on a black binder she was holding. "Actually Maya... Katy has us listed as your legal guardians in her will. We don't have to adopt you because we already have you."

"My mom's not dead," Maya whispered angrily.

"I know, Maya but we're your listed guardians until your mother comes back, unless you'd rather go to your father," Cory sat down at the foot of Maya's bed.

"...So, we're sisters?" The blonde looked over at her best friend in slight annoyance. Did something go on between them that I didn't know about?

"Well, we're best friends! I don't about sisters..." Riley laughed nervously.

"But Riley, isn't this what you've always wanted?" Cory was about as lost as I was.

It was quiet. I could feel Maya tensing up beside me.

"...No. No it's not," Riley grumbled and left the room. Her parents followed behind her.

"Told you so. Riley doesn't want me. She's gonna leave me," Maya shrugged.

"I don't know what's going on but this isn't her," I shook my head, trying to process Riley's actions.

Maya sat up straighter. "Maybe it is. Notice how she's always the center of attention? Maybe she doesn't want me in her family because I'd be taking the attention off her. The only daughter, the eldest child, the one everyone feels sorry for. I'd be replacing all of that."

"Have you talked to Lucas lately?" she tried to bring up another topic but it was clear she didn't care.

"No, I've been with you."

"But I thought you two got really close?" 

Now that Maya mentioned it, I basically threw away that relationship to support Maya. I should talk to him. We hadn't spoken since the night I slept over at his place.

"I'll fix it," I said, mostly talking to myself rather than Maya.

A few days later, I was helping Maya pack some clothes to last a few days. She wasn't moving in with the Matthews' yet, but she had to sleep there while they got things organized.

"Shall we go?" Maya was better but not good.

My phone started vibrating, "Wait outside, I need to answer this."

"Who is it?" she tied back her blonde hair with her bag hanging on her forearm.

"My aunt," I lied. It was Lucas

Maya nodded and left. "Hello?"

"Nev, remember our vows in the hospital?" Lucas chuckled.

"Yes, I do."

"So you still have my back, even though things have been a little messy between everyone over these past few days?" he asked.

"Yeah Friar."

"Okay... So I finally got Riley." I could tell he was grinning like an idiot on the other side of the phone but I wasn't too sure how I felt about this.

"Lucas, you realize how much conflict this will cause?" I winced. Maya was only just starting to get better.

"You're the one who told me to go for it, Neveah!"

"That was before I realized how much this is hurting Maya. Why would Riley do this to her?"

"Maya said it was fine, didn't she?" Lucas was so oblivious.

"Are you really that stupid? She's heartbroken," I said in frustration.

"Huh," Lucas sighed. "Wow. One second you're telling me that you support me no matter what, encouraging me to tell people how I feel. Next thing I know, you're criticizing me for actually doing it. Abandoning me for the next person that gives you attention. How's your new best friend, Maya, by the way? Oh! And your new lover, Farkle? Who has a girlfriend for God's sake!"

"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"I assumed when you two weren't in class the other day, but you just confirmed it," he said. "You are so temperamental, Neveah. You change your mind the second a better option comes along. I was actually excited to tell you about Riley, but now I kind of wish I didn't approach you that night at the bakery. I wish didn't come into everyone's lives and ruin everything."

"Are you saying I should be sorry that I'm giving Maya the support that no one is giving her right now? I'm not leaving her. Not at a time like this."

"Haven't you realized how much you've ruined? You caused problems in Riley and I's life. You ruined my relationship with Maya and Farkle's with Smackle. And you don't have the right to say you're on Maya's side when you're the one who has crushed her the most. It's all you!" Lucas screamed and hung up.

My chest felt heavy when the line cut off. I wanted to cry...or throw up. But right now, Maya needed me.

I walked outside and saw her sitting on the curb waiting.

"Shall we go?" I quoted her words used previously.

"We shall."

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