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I picked up my backpack from the grass as I saw Lucas jogging towards me. It was the end of the day and we agreed to meet at the front of the school to walk together to Topanga's bakery.

"Sorry I'm late," he said, out of breath.

"Chill, Friar. We said 3 o'clock. It's 3:10," I laughed as we walked down the path. It was quieter in the area as most of the students had already rushed home.

We didn't talk much on the walk there. Though, it was unexpectedly not awkward. I've never adjusted to someone so comfortably in such little time before.

We reached Topanga's and Lucas held the door open for me. I settled in my regular window seat, but this time, Lucas sat right beside me. 

"Um, Neveah," Lucas nudged me. I was currently on my phone, searching for movies that Lucas and I could watch on my laptop.

"Yep?" I mumbled, barely paying attention.

"You know how you said we'd take a break from the girls today?" he whispered. "Well, I'm not sure we can do that."

"Why? I—Oh..." I looked up to see four familiar faces staring at us from the counter.

Riley, Maya, Farkle and Isadora Smackle.

My heart sank when I saw Farkle's arm tightly wrapped around her waist. They were together, I knew this. But that didn't stop it from hurting.

They were perfect for each other. Farkle was hers, not mine.

The feeling of sadness quickly progressed into shame as they all walked over towards us. With the way Farkle was glaring at me, he looked like a complete stranger. 

"Um, Lucas," Maya started off, shakily. "If you wanted to cheat on me, you could've at least tried to choose a less obvious place."

Her words were confident, but her voice said otherwise. I could see her breaking in front of me.

"Neveah's just a friend," Lucas said immediately.

"I'm just a friend!" I quickly repeated.

"Yeah, I just needed to get away—" I elbowed Lucas' side before he could say any more than he needed to.

"But...why did you say you were busy when we invited you to hang out? Why did you have to lie?" Riley said with disappointment.

"I'll explain—"

Farkle cut me off. "We're not stupid, Neveah. I thought we were friends."

We are friends.

"—But if you're helping Lucas cheat on my best friend? Do us a favor and get the hell out of everyone's lives. God, you're even worse than your friend," Farkle breathed out, abruptly stepping closer.

"Farkle, I—Wait, what do you mean by 'my friend'?" I stood up, standing inches away from him.

"Come on, guys," he turned towards the door, guiding Riley, Maya, and Smackle out of the bakery. 

I had to fix this. Maya didn't deserve to be hurt like this, Lucas didn't deserve to be accused of this...and as selfish as it was, I couldn't have Farkle hate me like this.

"Where are they going?" I asked Lucas.

"Probably back to Riley's. Nev, honestly I don't know if this is any worse, at least we'll get the needed space to think about all of it," Lucas shrugged.

"C'mon you know this is not the better alternative," I sighed. "You know what, just go home and sleep or something. I said I'd help you so I will. I'll text you later."

I had to fix this. I had only just started becoming friends with them, and I already caused such a mess.

I've been to the Matthews' apartment before because of the New Year's party, so I had an idea of where to start. I grabbed my bag and tried to get to Riley's apartment by memory.

After a few wrong turns, I finally reached the building.

"Hi, it's Neveah...Neveah Rosenthal," I buzzed in. No answer. It was no surprise that they didn't want me there.

The bay window. I've heard the stories about her friends swinging by through her fire escape. I went around the back and looked up towards the window with a purple hue glazing the glass.

I climbled up the fire escape and gently tapped on the window where Maya, Riley and Farkle sat. I'm guessing Smackle went home.

"No one wants you here," Farkle's muttered. I felt like I was gonna throw up. Every little word felt like he was twisting my insides. I caught myself about to cry but I held it back. The last thing I needed was Farkle knowing he made me this weak.

"Farkle, wait. I wanna hear what she has to say," Maya spoke calmly. Her face was tear-stained and her eye-makeup smeared. Riley opened the window for me to enter.

"Okay, Rosenthal. Explain. Why were you and Lucas late for class? Why were you texting in class? Why were you hanging out and why did Lucas have to lie about it?" Maya's voice was raspy—you could tell she had been crying. "Start from the beginning."

My hands suddenly started to shake. The looks on all of their faces made me feel sick. I squeezed my hands into fists and started speaking. 

"Everyday after school, I go to the bakery. I always stay there from straight after school until closing. And um, last night around dinner, Lucas came in. He seemed a little stressed so we talked for a bit and ate. Nothing much too it."

I paused for a second to think about how I would avoid the thing about Riley and Maya. The one thing that could be worse than Lucas cheating is if Maya found out that her boyfriend was in love with her best friend.

"Then we walked around for a bit at night. Lucas and I got along pretty well. And then at school this morning, he pulled me aside and asked me to help him plan something. We exchanged numbers. That's why we were late and texting in class. We were at the bakery to work on Lucas' idea and he lied about it because it was a secret. I've already said too much but the point is that I was just helping Lucas out as a friend." There were a few white lies in there but I had to do what I had to do.

"How do we believe that you and Lucas weren't on some sort of date?" Farkle still seemed unsure.

"Come on, Farkle. She said Lucas is going to surprise us!" Riley squealed.

"I need proof," he crossed his arms.

"I have no interest in Lucas Friar whatsoever. There's not much proof besides the fact that he's just simply not my type." And that was the truth. 

"What is your type then?" Maya asked. She seemed more curious than interrogative now. Chills ran through my arms as I looked over at Farkle.

"Smart. Incredibly smart. Physically, I guess it doesn't matter much, but blue eyes definitely have an effect on me...and a sense of humor; lame jokes and corny puns. But with all that, somehow still so kind and modest. Someone who is loyal and selfless. Someone who protects the ones they love at all costs," I rambled. 

Riley and Maya exchanged a look.

"Well, you definitely know what you want," Maya chuckled.

Riley smiled almost apologetically. I wasn't sure why, but hopefully that meant they forgave me.

Farkle's face was difficult to read. He didn't look angry anymore, his features softened into a somewhat confused expression.

"Neveah, would you like to stay over for dinner with us?" Riley asked.

"Sure, I'd like that."

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