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Farkle and I walked home together. We found out that he passes by my apartment building on the way to his place.

"Nev, are you cold?" Farkle just realized I was shivering.

"Like you said, I'm Snow White. Skin as cold as snow." I just always forget to bring a sweater. I walk through the cold New York night all the time but the thought of bringing something to keep me warm never crosses my mind.

"Well, that's not the quote," he chuckled, taking off his black hooded denim jacket and gestured for me to put it on.

"Farkle, I'm used to this temperature, you're not," I pushed the jacket back to him.

"I have like a thousand of these and my place isn't too far. Please, just wear it for the night."

I gave in and slipped the warm jacket over my baseball tee. The denim fell just below my hips and the sleeves went over my hands but my finger tips were still visible.

Farkle was now just wearing a black t-shirt with a grey astronaut on it. I didn't realize how much black and grey Farkle wore until now. Only a few months ago, it would always be bright turtle necks paired with terrible plaid or an oddly patterned sweater. I missed that side of him, but people do change, and it's not like people actually dress well in middle school. I always admired Farkle, not for what he wore but for who he was. And even when he wore those bright turtle necks, he'd still be this guy. The guy lending me his jacket. 

"Here's my stop," I stopped in front of the familiar brick building.

"Wear the jacket tomorrow too. It'll be cold on your early morning walk to school," he looked at me in the eyes with his light brown hair blowing from the wind.

"Farkle." I liked this. I liked him, but I needed to be sure that he was sure. "Isadora Smackle...your girlfriend. She's very lucky to have you. Are you sure you want me to go to school tomorrow wearing your jacket?"

"Positive. Goodnight Snow White," he put his hands in his pockets and continued to walk.

"Goodnight Farkle," I called back before going inside.

As soon as I unlocked the door, I pulled out my phone to call Riley like I said I would.

"Hey Neveah, get home okay?" she answered the phone in seconds.

"Yep. Just walked through the door."

"Okay, get some rest then. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Riley."

We hung up and I changed into an over-sized t-shirt, tossing Farkle's jacket on my bed. The moonlight pierced through my white curtains, lighting up my room. It was still the same old plain room, but somehow, Farkle's black and grey jacket oddly added more colour to it. I crawled into my bed, spreading out Farkle's jacket over my shoulders for extra warmth. The apartment was always so cold because no one was ever home.

It was only 10PM. This was the earliest I've slept in awhile.

I cuddled closer to the fabric that smelt like cologne and new books and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Rose, Ebony & Snow || Farkle Minkusحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن