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"Hey Neveah," numerous voices spoke.

"Hi guys," I replied through the phone. "How's school?"

"We all miss you!" Maya said.

"All my classes are hell without you," Lucas added.

I wish I remembered what classes with him were like.

"Nev, we just wanted to check on you really quickly but our break is nearly over," Riley told me. "Is everything good?"

"Yes, everything is just fine, Riles," I sighed.

Someone cleared their throat. "Remember anyone else?" Lucas said shyly.

"Lucas, I don't know why my memory is so jacked up but I'm sure I'll remember you soon. I'm starting to remember most of my life up until middle school since I remember Riley and Maya but it still feels like half my brain is missing for some reason," I sighed.

I heard a school bell through the phone.

"Nev, we love you but we've gotta go!" Riley said.

"Riley, wait!" I heard Maya say before the line cut off.

It's been 2 days since anyone has come to visit besides Aunt Scarlet. I didn't mean to be so needy but it was nice learning that I did have friends. And all this free time has given me a chance to think about that dream I had the other night. I still couldn't figure out what it meant.

Zay, Riley, Maya and Lucas would all call during their lunch hour at school, which I thought was sweet. And I understood that they all had homework to do after school so they couldn't exactly come by all the time. It was just kinda lonely, I guess. I mean, the point of a semi-private room was having a buddy, right?

I cleared my throat, "Hey."

I looked at the door, hoping no one would hear me. "I know you can't reply but I just feel like talking if that's alright," I said to the coma patient on the other side of the curtain.

"I don't know how long you've been like that but I think I read somewhere that an average coma doesn't normally last more than 4 weeks so hopefully you'll be up and ready soon. But I think there's some cases where they can last years but even if that was the case, I think you'd probably get a more private room. I don't know much about comas to be honest."

I looked around the lifeless room. "I'm almost ready to get out of here and I honestly don't get why the doctors are still holding me back. Hopefully, we'll get to meet before then."

The door abruptly opened, causing me to shut up. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" a small girl with pretty black hair and glasses exclaimed. She held a bouquet of flowers. "The nurse told me there was another patient here but I completely forgot as I walked in. Wait, you're Neveah, right? You were with Lucas at the bakery!"

"It's alright," I told her. "And, um I guess?" Was I supposed to know who she was? Lucas was supposedly a friend so I assume I've been at a bakery with him at some point.

She walked over to the coma patient, holding the flowers under her left arm. "Is it okay if I open the curtain?" she asked.

I nodded and she pulled back the curtain, revealing the other patient, still bruised and broken.

"I heard about the accident last week. I wasn't too sure if I was going to visit since the two of us had only broken up days before but, well, I still care about him. I'll always care about him," she gently touched his cheek.

So this is an ex-girlfriend. She seemed nice and she was gorgeous, so good for him. Well, not good since they're not together anymore, I guess.

She pushed up her glasses and looked over at me aggressively, "You were with him, weren't you?"

"What?" I froze. This was coma patient's apparent ex-girlfriend and she was asking if I was with him? I didn't even know the guy but weirdly felt a pit of guilt in my stomach for some reason.

Her face softened, "When the accident happened, I mean. I didn't hear much since you guys go to a different school, but I heard that one of his friends got hurt too. It was you?"

I looked at the girl, speechless. I didn't know her. I didn't know the boy.

"Sorry for the interrogation, Neveah. I should probably let you rest. I would've gotten you flowers too if I knew," she smiled sweetly. "When he wakes up, tell him that Isadora stopped by."


After Isadora left, I got off my bed, wincing in pain. My body just seemed to be hurting more. I walked over to the other patient, examining his inflamed face.

We were in the same accident. We were friends.

I took his hand in mine, holding it up to my chest.

"I'm so sorry."

How the hell didn't anyone tell me?

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