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The cafeteria was chaos with people socializing, but I was leaning back against a wall, waiting for Sarah. It was already well into our lunch hour and she wasn't here.

At a nearby table, Lucas Friar, Maya Hart, Riley Matthews and Farkle Minkus sat, all engaged in conversation. I loved their charismatic group dynamic, it was like one you'd see in the movies. The charming jock, the beautiful bad-ass, the perky brunette, and the adorable genius. My 'group' was just me and Sarah. 

I stood there, tucking my dark blue blouse into my red skater skirt. I was getting impatient waiting for Sarah. I took a bite into my apple, and checked my phone.

"Neveah!" Riley called my name. She was waving me over, while Maya and Farkle laughed at her. Or maybe they were laughing at me.

I walked closer and Riley's eyes lit up.

"Can I take a picture with you?" she grinned.

"Um," I was still confused, but the situation was entertaining. "May I ask why?"

"She thinks you look like Snow White," Maya giggled.

Farkle stood up, dramatically quoting the classic fairy tale, "Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow."

I was blushing so bad. From both embarrassment, and from how amusing Farkle was.

"Plus the red and blue clothes, and you're eating an apple," Lucas added.

I laughed along nervously. Riley Matthews really had an interesting perspective on the world.

"Yeah, I'll take a photo with you!" I said as if the answer was obvious.

I posed with the bitten apple as Maya snapped the photo of the two of us.

"My turn," Farkle slid beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist. Oh my God.

After Maya took the photo, Farkle turned to me and bowed. "'Twas an honor, your majesty!"

"As you are Sir Farkle," I joked along, curtsying in response.

"Neveah!" a familiar voice rang in my ear. I turned, and Sarah was sitting a few tables away.

"Bye guys, I better get going. The Queen awaits," I sighed.

Sarah furrowed her brow when I sat down across from her.

"Why were you with Farkle?"

"Um, why were you late for lunch?" I tried to change the subject.

"Darby and Yogi needed a third opinion, but whatever, don't change the subject. What's your deal with that kid? Stop talking to him," Sarah shook her head, taking a bite of a baby carrot.

"It's not like saying 'Hi' in the halls would make us friends. Why are you so against him anyway, Sarah?" I asked.

She looked at me with wide eyes, as if the answer was obvious. "Farkle? Minkus? And Riley? God, Nev, they can't be associated with us. People hate them. Maya, Lucas, whatever, but imagine what would happen to our reputation if people thought we were friends with Squeak and Klutz."

"We don't even have a reputation, Sarah. We'd go from nothings, to slightly less nothings."

"I've heard people judging me, calling me Darby and Yogi's third wheel. And you're always making a scene in class when you're late everyday, and asking people for cinnamon. Don't be stupid, Nev. People know who we are. Also, yeah, what's up with that cinnamon thing, it's weird."

"Alright, so what I'm hearing is that no reputation could possibly be worse. Relax, Sarah, I'm just being nice," I assured her. Maybe she just needed reassurance. She was so reputation-obsessed.

"Just don't talk to them. I have to go," she mumbled, standing up from the table.

She was already too far by the time I said, "but you just got here." 

I didn't forget what Sarah said, but I didn't want to spend the rest of lunch alone. I walked back towards the group of four, and Riley squealed when she noticed me.

"Ay, Snowy's back!" Maya shouted.

"Wanna sit?" Lucas moved over so there was a spot between him and Farkle.

"Would that be okay with everyone?" I asked. Everyone nodded.

I threw out the remainder of my apple in the nearby garbage and sat down.

"Neveah Rosenthal AKA Snow White," Riley clasped her hands together dramatically.

"AKA Snowy," Maya did the same action as Riley.

"Before you can truly be sat at this table in spirit, you must answer thy question." Riley said, using large hand gestures.

"-Thy means 'your,' actually, so that sentence isn't pragmatically correct," Farkle cut in, but the girls ignored him.

"Lucas," Maya patted the boys' heads, "or Farkle?"

"Lucas or Farkle for what?" I chuckled.

"To be the prince of your charming, dearest." Riley joked.

"That was also pragmatically incorrect," Farkle mumbled.

I thought this little scenario was so funny. It was definitely all over the place, but they weren't shy. They were so confident and playful. I didn't feel too serious or judged.

"Well Riley, as I do believe Sir Friar could possibly be somewhat suitable, I guarantee that Sir Farkle would be the more effective choice. See that he is indeed the preferable height for I and he has proven to be a strong leader, and more importantly, Sir Farkle is very familiar with the kingdom's need of cinnamon," I said confidently. Hopefully they'd assume I was going along with the joke, because I definitely just admitted that I was smitten by Farkle.

"I am honoured, Neveah Rosenthal," Farkle bowed in his seat.

"Hey! Riley!" Lucas crossed his arms. "You only asked that because you knew she'd choose Farkle." 

Did Lucas know about my crush? Oh no, now they all know. Damn it, what's Smackle going to think? What's FARKLE going to think. Okay, I need to calm down. There's probably a viable explanation. Maybe it's because Lucas knows that Farkle and I are sort of friends because of the weird name exchange. Yeah, that's it... 

"Oh, Sir Friar, but your princess already awaits," Riley looked at Maya making both Maya and Lucas turn red. Ever since New Years, Riley's still been acting like she didn't like Lucas. She wanted the best for Maya but it was just awkward now.

I decided to be the one to break the awkward silence. 

"So Farkle, how's your girlfriend." He had been dating Isadora Smackle from Einstein Academy for awhile now.

"Smackle's good. We don't see each other that often though because of the different schools and she refuses to text me during weekdays because it puts her off focus when studying. But weekends are okay, I guess," he shrugged. Uncertainty washed over his face.

Before any more words could be said, the bell rang and everyone started to leave the table.

Maya turned around and saw me still sitting there. "Coming Snowy?"

I nodded and stood up. "Maya?"


"Thanks for letting me sit with you guys."

The short blonde wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Maybe we needed you more than you think, Snowy."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see."

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