The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 1

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(A/N: Before I start this story I just want to say that I have nothing against Gay, Bi or Straight people. This story will contain some homophobic language and if it offends you, remember it's just a story and if you like just imagine you're slapping her in the face :D? I also wanted to add that there is Frerard in this! WOO! I thought that I haven't done a Frerard story yet so, what the hell :D? Meh, enough of me talking. Enjoy!)

My names Vicky, If you even think about looking at me in a dirty way I'll smash your fucking face in. Well now you think I'm a bitch with anger issues, good. I wasn't always a bitch, I mean...I was that girl in school who was quiet, the normal one. Quiet girl with a big mind. The good girl who always did her homework, got good grades and had some friends. Then everything changed.


I sat down in my seat for English, Jake sat next to me smiling. That boy never did stop smiling really. I stared at the board blankly. English wasn't my favourite subject, Science was. I mean there are three types in school! Chemistry, Biology and Physics. How cool is that? For English you only get Language and Literature. 

"Ashley, hand out the Romeo and Juliet books" Mr Wilkinson ordered and everyone sighed which made me smirk. No one in this school liked Romeo and Juliet. I looked at Jake who was secretly playing on his phone and nudged him.

"Jake, get of your phone before I make Sir pick you to read out the Romeo parts" I smirked and he quickly put his phone away sticking out his tongue. There was a loud knock at the door and my eyes snapped up to see a police officer step through the door.

"Oh Hello officer, how can I help?" Mr Wilkinson smiled, did he finally get caught for being a pedo? I smiled at my little comment and paid more attention.

"Is there a Victoria Malik in this class?" He asked and I gulped loudly. What did I do wrong? Mr Wilkinson nodded slowly and pointed to me. "I need you to come with me" He whispered and my heart raced. Why am I going to prison? "You're not in trouble" He sighed and Looked down which worried me more. I grabbed my bag and dragged it with me to the door. The police officer followed me and my hands started shaking.

"What's happened" I whimpered out and stopped walking. 

"There's been an accident Victoria, I'm sorry but...Your family, they passed away" My whole world stopped. My breathing stopped, my heart stopped. Dead. My family are dead. How could they be dead!? I saw them this morning!? "You'll have to come with me" He whispered and I teared up. Oh god, they're dead. Actually...Dead. I frowned and ran out of the building, I could still hear the police officer trying to call after me but I blanked him out, I blanked everything out and focused on going home. I didn't live that far away. I bet they'll be at home watching TV. This is all just a sick joke. I turned the corner to see ambulances, police cars, my neighbours standing near my house. A body bag was carried out and I ran up to the house.

"MUM!" I Screamed and the police held me back. "Mum.."I whispered breaking into a hysterical cry. "How" I choked out through the tears.

"I don't think I should tell you hunny" The police lady whispered and I frowned.

"That's my fucking family! I deserve to know how!" I screamed and she sighed.

"Calm down"

"Just tell me" I whimpered and she looked down slowly.

"They was murdered, the mans been caught and I can tell you now that with all the evidence and murders we have as evidence he won't be getting out"


There you have it, my sad ass story. The day my family got murdered and the day I got put into care. I quite like it here actually, apart from being called an emo because of my black messy hair, panda eyes because of the tears that wouldn't end which smudged my make-up. Oh and because I had scars and cuts on my wrists. Well fuck them. Iv'e been in care for a year, now I'm fourteen. Young eh? Well lifes a bitch and as soon as you understand that and move on it becomes easier. There's been so many times that Iv'e been rushed to the hospital because of attempted suicides. But the bastards won't let me die. One day I will though. One day they won't be able to stop or help me. It's my Death wish.

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