32 ~ More of Him

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'oh god' were the only words that went through my mind

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'oh god' were the only words that went through my mind. I looked down at my bare feet that was covered in tainted rain water and pieces of purple flowers and tiny leaves. I was a mess.

I then heard footsteps behind me, for a moment I was hopeful. I couldn't lie to myself about how happy I felt in that moment when I heard those steps. Deep down I hoped it was him, though I didn't know whether it was Haden or someone else entirely. I turned around in a haze and I saw a stranger walking down the stone path in a white shirt and black pants. He looked like Haden, it was Haden, wasn't it? I asked myself as I jogged up to the man that was walking towards the hospital car park.

I grabbed him by the shoulder and twisted him around. The man's shocked face only disappointed me. His blue eyes recovered from the shock and narrowed at me in disapproval and pulled his own shoulder out from my tight, hopeful, grip.

Blue eyes...

It wasn't him.

"Mate, you okay?" The man asked raising one hand up to me while looking me up and down.

"yeah... sorry, i-I thought you were someone else" I muttered and took a step back.

The man just shrugged and continued walking.

Why did this happen to me. Why did I always do things that I knew I would regret later?

I ignored the shattering coldness that was spreading through me.

"Derek!" An alarmed voice called from behind me.

"Haden?" I whispered as I swung around. But no it wasn't him. It was the man with Amber eyes that I had met before. Haden's friend. What was his name again?

And what was he doing here?

"What are you doing out here... how did yo-" he stopped midsentence in confusion and studied me. He had that look in his eyes that said that he thought I had gone partially insane.

"Who are you talking to?" Said another male voice as the man with the amber eyes approached closer to me. He took off his long woollen long coat he had and threw it over my shoulders. His body heat that was absorbed by the material seeped into my skin. I shivered and suddenly looked up to the voice that has spoken seconds before.

"Derek!" Said the shaded figure. "what the hell is he doing out here, Julian?" he continued as he walked in to the light. I froze. My entire body froze. He was standing there. Goosebumps materialized on my skin at the thought of him.

"Don't ask me!" said Julien throwing his hands in the air.

That was his name...

.... Julian.

"Derek?" Haden said in concern again. He seemed oblivious as to what went through my head.

I started to feel dizzy that's when I realized that I had been holding my breath. I replayed what I wanted to do in my head over and over again. Truth be told, I wanted to run up to him and wrap my arms around him and kiss him and... tell him I loved him with all my heart and I had been in love with him since the first say I saw him in high school. But that was cheesy and gay, so very very gay.

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