30 ~ Speechless

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Welcome to the long awaited Chapter 30! 

It's a bit of a long one, and the POV changes a few times (that's how it was originally written so i didn't go to change it as it had some information that would be useful) I hope you like it. 


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- Tanya POV -

The disinfectant scent of the hospital was absolutely revolting. It made me want to throw up. I should be used to this smell by now, but I wasn't.

I sneaked a glance around me and I spotted Haden walking through the threshold. My heart pounded against my chest and I could feel myself stiffen. This was my fault, and it was more than obvious that Haden was not happy about any of this.

The moment Derek collapsed onto the floor had been the first time I'd seen Haden truly vulnerable. It was something I had not expected to see.

"Let's go outside." He demanded and I complied. It was probably best that I kept my mouth shut. After all it was my mouth that had gotten me into this mess. Roger was seated a chair over from me got up and followed us both to the court hospital courtyard.

I let out a heavy breath. everything was such a mess.

"Haden, I'm sorry!" I apologized. I truly felt terrible. This whole debacle was my fault.

"What did you give him Tanya?" he got straight to the point. I knew he was going to ask me that. I could feel the blood rushing through my body, the temperature seemed to change. Calm down. Though he stayed composed I could see how panicked he was. He did have a human side after all.

"We both know what Derek took. I know this is my fault."

"I want to hear it from you, not just assume what my fiancé has in his system."

I sighed, he was going to hate me; not that he didn't hate me before, but he was definitely going to hate me even more.

"They were brownies," I paused, "special brownies.."

"Pot? He took pot brownies..." He responded, unimpressed.

"He didn't take it voluntarily" I sighed. "It was just in my fridge, and he thought it was something else."

"You expect me to believe that Derek accidentally took pot brownies and ended up in the hospital? Get real, Tanya; stop sh*tting me."

"it wasn't a pot brownie. It's this new drug that's been going around and I had a sample for a friend and Derek ate it."

"No normal person would have sh*t like that in their fridge." He was on the verge of blowing up.

"look, I'm sorry. But, there is nothing I can do to make this better for Derek. I wish it never happened. Derek will be okay. The drug isn't strong enough to do any damage."

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