10~ Sinful Lips

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In the darkness of the bar, under its dim lights stood the one man I had been trying to avoid. There he was, standing in front of me, watching me like a hawk. How had he found me? Why was he here? I stared at him, mouth gaping and drink in hand.

"What do you think you're doing here?" he asked, eyebrows drawing together, a stoic look in his eyes. I should be asking you that.

"Am I not allowed to be...here?" I answered back with a question, while raising my arms exasperatedly. Stepping away from the stool at which I sat, I tried to steady myself on my feet. It was proving to be a difficult task. How much alcohol had I consumed. It churned in my stomach and zipped right to my head. Everything was a blurry mess. I could even smell my own alcoholic breath. It was disgusting.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he his eyes moved from my face to the glass I had in my hand. Maybe this was a bad idea. I gripped it tighter, my breath quickened. Haden sighed, almost defeated. He looked disappointed. And that thought made my heart ache. A part of me didn't want to disappoint him, while another part of me, a rather large part of me, wanted to stab him right in his chiseled face. But, right in this moment, looking up at him, and into his eyes, all I saw was a man who seemed disappointed, and that did not sit well with me.

"You're drunk." He noted, "Let's get you back home," Helping me balance my unsteady form -which was moments away from toppling over into Haden's chest- and guided my out of the bar. My eyes didn't catch much on my way out. They were just glued to the floor, watching my feet as they took one step after another. All thoughts consumed by how Haden had managed to find me. I didn't think he had cared enough to go through the process of tracking me, only to come and take me home while I was at my most vulnerable. Saving the damsel in distress. How classic.

"How did-" He opened the door to his car and all but pushed me inside, effectively cutting my question short. I watched him as he jogged to the other side of the car and got into the driver's seat.

"You've had little bit too much fun for tonight," he said in a soothing tone, sweet and suave as he reached for the bottle. Who did he think he was anyway.

"NO," I slurred, stubbornly.

Haden sighed. Leaning back in his seat he watched me. "What am I going to do with you?" I heard him say. Then, there was a click, and then something cold touched my fingers. "Here" He said, and I followed his line of sight to see a bottle of water. "Drink it." Haden demanded. So bossy.

Rolling my eyes in my head I took the water. Twisting the cap open I took one big gulp of the cold liquid. It felt so soothing to have it run down my parched throat.

"Drink all of it." he demanded, again, when he saw me trying to screw the cap back on. "we're not moving from here till you do."

I pouted. Stuck my tongue out at him. and then he laughed. It stunned me. I hadn't heard him laugh; maybe a snicker or two, but never a fully body, head thrown back laugh. But then it struck me, he was laughing at him. Such an ass. I frowned, and downed the water. 


"Come on, wake up," I heard someone mutter. It startled me. My eyes switched open and focused on the scenery in front of me. We were back at his house. How? I had fallen asleep. 

"Come on, get out." He repeated. I looked over at him. The glint in his eyes that I had seen before had disappeared. He was back to his usual persona. Stone cold and indifferent as ever.

Our eyes only met for a second before got out of the car. Well then. I sighed, and leaned back against the seat. I remembered glimpses of what had happened, how he'd found me and how he'd laughed. I was thank full for that. And above all, I was thankful that I no longer felt like I was having an out of body experience.

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