11. Paws' dad has duck butt hair

Start from the beginning

"You're too grumpy," Fuko said. "Too much angst!"

"Yeah, and who's fault is that?" I waited to cross the street.

"On a more serious note," Fuko dropped her playful tone and hovered in front of my face, "Would it really be so hard for you to believe that I do care about my bearer?"

"Yeah? You have a funny way of showing it."


Ah, average morning at school: Chloe was a brat, I got to mouth her off, multiple carts of books to shelve, students in the library to rush through homework (and apparently, Paws and Nino had been telling people how smart I was because every morning I got about five or six people asking me for help on their homework. Most of them were just hoping I'd do it for them, lazy bums), and of course taking a pile of papers to the esteemed principal.

While I was heading down to his office, I noticed Paws standing at a corner of a hallway. One of his hands was tucked under his arm, while the other held a phone up to his ear. I couldn't see his face due to his back facing me, but judging by his slightly bowed head, and sagging shoulders, he wasn't happy with what he was hearing.

The papers for M Damocles could wait. I headed in Paws' direction. Paws visibly sighed and put his phone in his pocket.

"Something going on Paws?" I asked him.

Paws turned and looked at me, clearly upset. "It was just my dad's assistant, Natalie. She was telling me that my dad had to cancel something with me."

Ouch. He couldn't even bother to tell his own son himself? Wow, I'd hate to have him as a father. "What did you guys have planned?"

Paws sighed and crossed his arms, "I mean it wasn't really special, he just said I could go with him to park. He was going to check out to see if it was a nice place he'd like me to do a photo-shoot at. Just... business really."

It was painfully obvious that Paws had been really excited to spend time with his dad, even if it had been purely for professional reasons. "Which park was it?"

"The one right here, next to the school," he looked at me, "Why?"

"Why don't we go after school? Plus Nino if he wants to tag along," I offered. I knew I wasn't his dad, but I had idea that could make him feel better.

Paws' face lit up slightly, "Really?" then his excited expression changed to confusion, "But what would we do?"

"Guess you're going to have to find out," I put my hand on his shoulder, "Why don't you go to class now?" I suggested, slightly leading him in that direction.

Paws smiled, "Thanks Félix," but then his smile faltered, "but I have something scheduled after school and my bodyguard will definitely be there. Plus, now he knows to keep an eye for me when the car breaks down!"

Fuko eyed me, "Don't worry my kitten!" she declared, "I will make something new up!" she buffed out her chest heroically.

I suppressed a laugh, "Fuko just said she'll handle it. A little too eagerly may I add, but if that'll satisfy her daily chaotic needs..." I gave her a small grateful glance.

"Alright!" Paws accepted, "Just so long as I can blame you later," he playfully added.

"Sure, I'll write your father and assistant and entire argumentative essay on how I did it, and why it was important too. With plenty of colorful vocabulary that you aren't allowed to use in school."

Paws eyes' widened in alarm, "You don't have to go that far!"

"Too late, you put the idea in my mind," I gave him a shove, "Get to class!"

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