Chapter 31

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I can feel something wet below my mouth. I just can't reach to it, my hands are trapped, under, God knows what, but it's extremely heavy.
I scrunched my nose, when I smelled something tacky, like stinky socks or something.

I moaned before jolting up from my sleep, not exactly jolting up cause I'm trapped under Shane's leg.

I widened my eyes in extreme shock. We were lying opposite to each other. Slept all night in this laundry cabinet.

And that wet thing is my drool, from the sleep.
I was drooling on his jeans and it left a mark right there, as soon as I got my face away.

I looked at him from the opposite direction to see his face still and numb cause my legs had fully trapped his face.

Please tell me, I kicked him in my sleep.

"Oh, you sure did" I chuckled to myself.
I don't know how he is sleeping so peacefully in this cabinet.

Well, thank goodness this cabinet is not that small for us to fit in.

We slept yesterday night, in the same warm direction and look at us now, total opposite to each other ready to have a cold fight down anytime now.

I smiled looking at him. I removed my feet from his face and, he rubbed the spot I had my feet on, still in sleep.

Well, I'm trapped under his damn legs, but great that it worked as comforter for me.

I was in the trapped position when he shuffled inside, making himself comfortable again but soon I realised, it's no time for comfort, cuz, worker would be coming anytime soon now to carry these clothes to the laundry room.

Shit. My anticipation came true, when I heard a worker, stopping by the cabinet, getting near and near.
The worker was just a few face away, I knew cuz, she was humming to a song while working.

Oh no.

I shook Shane up.

"Shane get up, we're in trouble" I shook him out of the sleep and he groaned before shuffling.

"Shane workers are here, just get up, YOU ASS" I pulled him up but he didn't budge a little.

"La. La. Umnn. Hmm. La. La. Umnn. Hmm." She opened the door, and at the same time, I closed it. She must be in dilemma as to what is happening.

I now, felt more force when it didn't budge open.
I cried in silent pain when I scraped my nails in the process.

Shit, she'll open it now.

She again tried to open it, I knew she was confused right now as to why the cabinet isn't opening. She even muttered asking herself, what is wrong with the door.

She tried with the full force, and I headed down, closing my eyes in a jerk. I don't wanna face it, when she finds us, lying in an awkward position inside the cabinet.

When I couldn't hear anything coming from the outside worker, I opened my eyes just to find Shane holding onto it. He was pissed off, as usual. Maybe he had a great night, yesterday, trapped under my aromatic feet.

"What's wrong with this door?" We found the worker mutter to herself questioning as to why the door isn't opening, and find a more force able pull from the outside, but Shane kept holding the door firm.

"Must be jammed" And we heard her mutter before getting up and leaving.

As soon as she left, we opened the door as fast as we could and pushed ourselves out in a rush before running from there.

Worlds Apartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें