Chapter 22

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Flashback..... (The next day after the party, Xena arrived at Anderson mansion) and continues....

"So kids, we are going Juneau tonight, to handle some work with the official municipal for the sites. Are you sure you can manage without any adult in the house?" Aunt Linda asked everyone present in the dining hall.

Everybody was present for the lunch except Mr. Robert and Charlie Anderson, who were out for some work.

I was secretly listening to every conversation taking place in the hall.
Aunt Rosie and Linda were in their usual self. Almost everyone were in their usual self except these two, sitting across me. They were sitting so close to each other, that it would have killed me out of breath, if someone was so clingy to me.

My eyes were down the whole time, but I knew what was happening, what are they trying to do here. You might be girlfriend boyfriend but this is not a right place.

Okay, maybe they are not kissing or making out in front of all but Xena, who is clinging on Shane like someone's gonna steal him from her. That's ridiculous.

I am trying to eat here. We are trying to eat here.

Even Shane is enjoying her company, as if there's no tomorrow, like they'll get old today and will not be able to enjoy in their life anymore.
I wanna listen to the jokes she's cracking in his ears, that he is finding so laughable and interesting.

I wanna gag at the same time.
What the eff is wrong with me?

"We'll be fine Aunt Linda, as long as Shane is with us, the king of POWERS" Xena mocked Shane, emphasising on the word 'powers' before continuing with her lunch, moreover reciting her lame jokes to Shane.

"When will you return, mum?" Nick asked Aunt Linda in all seriousness. He was tensed this morning, and now lunch too. What's wrong with him.?

Looking at Amy I figured out Amy is pretty much acting the same way as Nick. She was really sarcastic and pissed off this morning as if someone was bothering her.

"We'll get back day after tomorrow and since you guys won't be able to handle Esta, Tara, we're taking them along with us" Aunt Rosie answered Nick's question and he nodded.

"Great, then we'll have a short get together with our friends. What say Shane?" Xena ruffled Shane's hair, which annoyed him for the first time.

He glanced a look at me and finds me staring at him too. This is the first time I looked at them completely. I looked away from him as soon as he glanced at me.

"I am thinking of inviting Axum too" Xena ignored, when Shane didn't replied and started teasing Amelia who is getting all shy now.

I once again glanced at him to see what his reactions are about the get together Xena's planning for. I was surprised to find, he was still staring at me and now with that intensity, which his eyes held the first time we saw each other. He was playing with his folk while staring or moreover thinking something about me.

Xena somehow noticed us and before we could stop this little staring of our own she spoke and we immediately looked away from each other.

"What do you think Evelina? A small get together? You'll be okay right?" She poked indirectly at me, regarding the last night, but I kept my cool and nodded instead of speaking anything.

Obviously, Everybody noticed our silence since last night and now when Aunt Rosie noticed Amy and me are not speaking anything since last night, she relieved us with her warming words.

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