Chapter 28

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"I'm nervous. What if they ask me to show my powers. What if they get to know...."

"Don't forget, you're not a human now. You are just like us. You not need to worry anymore cuz they won't really doubt" Brie whispered to me.

After the break, we both walked to our next class that is, powerology. I always leave with Amy. But you see, she's busy with Love today.
I smiled.

We had a lot of fun in the lunch period and Amy was so happy that she has Nick's support now. Nothing could get better than this. But now after the lunch, nothing could get any worst.

This is my first Powerology class and I'm nervous because, powerology is all practical and I don't even know who's the teacher, is he good, understanding or a strict one? I'm shit scared because, I can't let my identity to anyone here.

"Nope, Powerology is 10 minutes theory and 50 minutes practical" Victor approached us from behind with Jennell and Tress, while reading my mind.

"Yea, the teacher first explains us the new technique and the rest of the 50 minutes, we practise it on the ground near the forest area" Jennell further explains.

I smiled at the three of them but furrowed my eyes in confusion.

"You three, too have, powerology with us?" I asked.

"Almost everybody have powerology. You'll find Amy too. Just the only difference, she'll be with his lovey dovey this time" Tress chuckles.

I nodded while moving to the class.
I'm still nervous about the class, cuz I don't know anything about the subject. And what if, I go out of control while using it. I'll be dead punished right then.

We entered the class, which was so huuuge. No other classes are this huge. There's a lot of crowd for powerology, I must say that.

There are many curious glances at our side but I ignored it before moving to, where I spotted Amy with Nick beside her. They were cuddling each other while laughing and having cheesy romantic talks.


And that's when I took a U-turn before sitting on the first bench. Shit.

I'm sitting on the first bench, just thinking about it, am having a panic attack. What if the teacher calls me up, first.

But thanks to heaven, Brie is sitting beside me. His presence calmed me down a bit.

Five minutes had already passed, everybody were busy talking to their friends. Even Brie procured all the nearby attention with his jokes.

Suddenly, everybody went silent before quickly opening up their books and started writing down, God knows what.

And when I say everybody, then believe me, not even a single person is there whose nose is not inside a book. Well, except me cuz, I don't know what the fuck they're writing down.

I was glancing at all the students at the side when someone snapped his fingers in front of me and I jerked my face in front.


He was standing in front of me, giving me a hard solid look. He was dressed up in formals. When did he changed his clothes and why?

"May I ask, what's so interesting that you're occupied in others task and not yours?" He asked in a stern sarcastic voice which took me by surprise. He now was leaning on my bench, giving me glares.

What's wrong with him all of a sudden? He was in a good mood when we were talking in the canteen.

"Shane I....." Before I could complete, he cut me off curtly.

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