Chapter 18

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A/N:   ZAMN!! Am Horrible. Sorry to have kept you guys waiting for so long. I was dying to write and update my story but.. anyways....No more wait. ENJOY ;)

Recap :

Evelina Black is an eighteen year old teenager who finds herself in a different world on her 18th birthday.

Soon she discovers, there's something abnormal about the whole place.
The people living there, have different powers, depending on their origin.

Amy, the queen of voce (voice) and her first friend over the new world reveals her about the place and the rules followed there for safety.

1) That she (Evelina) didn't probably entered the new parallel world by mistake, but because her mother, Hazel wood, now, Hazel Black was once a member of the world and had powers, which she'd lost in a battle against the evil deeds. Which is why she decided to be a normal human being, living on earth and marry a normal man.

2) That this world is full of powers, and teenagers above 16 have access over to their powers, which they learn and expertise in schools and trainings.

3) Each person has different powers depending on their family origin.
Some may be the queen of war, some, king of knowledge, etc.
Together their whole family is called the stars of their respective power.

4) Each year there's this competition. Who (among the teenagers)  wins it, gains extra powers and to further know how to use it leaves for paramount, where all those, who have more than one power, resides.

Next, she meets, Shane Anderson, by mistake, who is an adopted son of Charlie and Rosie Anderson (one of the reputed and most powerful family in the town). He is the only one on the planet to have the maximum powers and knows how to use it well.

Shane Anderson has twin sisters who are about 4 years old. Esta and Tara. They are nothing less than cute vandals. And has two cousins, Nick and Amelia Anderson (18) , son and daughter of Robert and Linda Anderson.

Now the only thing, Evelina has to do is to keep her identity, of being a human, a secret. But somehow she thinks that, Shane Anderson knows her secret and just playing around. Lets see, if Amy and Evelina, be able to keep her identity a secret or will she have to face the consequences of being a human in this strange world.

[Last scene: Linda and Rosie Anderson having a discussion with the girls about a party tonight]



This stupid dress is riding up my ass. I try to pull it down and it snaps right back up like a window shade. Its flawless off shoulder, designed by the fashion Diva, AMENDA, mother of Victoria, (queen of fashion) which is revealing my precious collarbone, IS MAKING ME UNCOMFORTABLE.

"Stop pulling it down, Doo Doo Dan and just Relax" Amy scolded from my side.

"I can't" I whispered loudly to her while descending the stairs. First, I was too occupied with myself this morning, that I just spaced out on Mrs. Anderson's notice, that we have a party tonight. 

Second, everyone was so damn busy with themselves of what to wear, how to dress. But thank God, Abigail was there to help me out. This is my first party over here and I don't know how to present myself.
She not only me, but got everyone ready.  Amy, right beside me, is wearing an elegant dress like me, strapless and sequinned all over. It's rich Champaign colour brought out the best features in her. It hung beautifully, words can't even describe. 

I was admiring her beautiful self when we came to a stop. 

"You look beautiful" Nick approached Amy and complimented her in a very gentle way. He is holding a basketball under his right arm and is all sweaty from head to toe.
Were they playing, this late.? I didn't paid much attention cuz I had to deal with another person standing in front of me. 

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