Chapter 3

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Mad, Nutty, Weird, Cracked, even these words can't explain the situation I'm in right now.
I'm experiencing the most craziest and scary thing today.

First, I woke up on a stranger's bed, not to mention, not my room. Then these people talking about powers, and origin.
What in the hell does that means?

And then, a lady showing a technical magic, hats off to how she learnt that, but then that happens, which makes me loose all of my screws, the screen in front of us blasted making us blind for few seconds.

Did I mention about me having a psychological disorder?

Don't worry, I'll soon come to that.
(In progress, probably)

"Oh no.!!" Mrs. Landon checked and tried creating the technical screen again but nothing happened.

"What happened?" Mr. McCall asked in a worried sick tone.

"My-my powers are not working. Don't know what happened" She said while pressing all the available buttons on the controller, which I might add, is invisible.

"Something's so wrong. I need to go home and work upon this, before that I need to talk to you Mr. and Mrs. McCall.?" Mrs. Landon said, worry is all over her face, making me anxious.

"W-What's wrong?" I asked them in a worried sick tone.

"Nothing's wrong, We'll just be back in a minute Evelina, don't be afraid darling, we sure will drop you soon to your place, okay?" Mrs. McCall said while patting my cheeks and I nodded at her firmly.
As much as I can say, they are good people, I should probably trust them, keeping aside all the tension building analysis in my head.

All are having a serious stricken face after the blast. I don't wanted to be a head ache to them.

Mrs. Landon turned and glanced at me for the last time before leaving with Mr. and Mrs. McCall.

"Dude, what was that?" As soon as they left, Amy turned to face me.

"Who the hell were those idiots, who were bullying you?" She was referring to the video, which Mrs. Landon played a while ago.

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