Chapter 20

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I don't know, what came into me, I just started breathing quickly and harshly.

"Evelina? What is happening to her?" Someone muttered, I couldn't guess, for all I know the girl who made me angry is standing in front of me and I can't take it.
Everyone turned their attention towards me as I glared at her.

They all looked surprised when I did that. I don't know what they saw, but I was really pissed. Rage was building up inside me, I was getting out of control.
Suddenly everything looked blurred beside Victoria. The color changed to red when I glared at her, as if she's my prey.

She cried out.

"Shit, what is she doing?"

"What the actual fuck? Her eyes are shining"

"Who is she?"

People around were whispering and chattering but my whole attention was on her.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Victoria collapsed to the floor as she felt the pain as strong as one hundred daggers sinking into her stomach. Groaning and screaming with anguish, she writhed about on the floor, clutching her body. Her eyes were watery with the sheer pain and her breathing came out in sharp, shallow rasps. Sweat dripped down the side of her face and covered her forehead in a thin sheen.

I couldn't really care, I was so out of control and despondent. I couldn't control what exactly was happening to her. I couldn't see anybody around, only her in front of me. I am not even trying to flick my gaze away from her, I just couldn't.

Then is when, I heard a snap, that you hear when bones break.


"Evelina, STOP"


"Help her someone, pleeeeease"

Someone appeared in front of me, who I recognize to be Shane.
He was all worked up, as if came running just now.

My attention shifted from Victoria to him.

His normally calm and pleasant demeanor was changed and his face contorted in an all - consuming anger; his nostrils flaring, eyes flashing and closing into slits.

His hands closed into fists and he crouched forward.
I glared at him and again I don't know what happened, he kneeled down in pain.

"Shannnnnne, oh my god..."

"This girl is crazy.."

But, it was just for a second, before Shane with all the guts, it seemed, stood up holding onto his arms tightly as if he is in so much pain and glared at me, back firing my attack on me and I stumbled back a little.

I blinked, several times, before coming into my senses. And now I can see everybody shocked on their face and Shane flaring towards me.

I am more confused than angry now.
What in the world, did I do to earn these glares from all.?

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He fumed with anger and I was just shocked the whole time.

What has just happened.?

I looked at Victoria, who is unconsciously lying on the ground and surrounded by people.

"What have I done?" I whispered to myself.
Tears started forming as he stroked my arms sternly, before dragging me out of the party as soon as possible.


He let go off me once we reached outside at the parking lot. I was facing him.

He still was angry and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
When couldn't calm down he kicked his car with full rage.

My breath was knocked out, I was so afraid of him, at that point.

I was sobbing the whole time, while he kept his gaze downward, trying to calm down the fuck down.

"What did you do there, Evelina?" He kept his calm and cool while asking me about the incident.

My tongue was tied, No matter how hard I tried to speak and let go of what exactly came in me a while ago, I couldn't. I was just left with tears and sob.

He stepped forward and glanced at me before raising my chin to his level.

"Your eyes were shining"
Now that I was staring at him, I could see, his facial features has turned its firmness into soft one.
His eyes held those devotion towards me, that I opened up.

"I felt something strange" Tears started forming once again.

"One moment, everything was fine and before I know it, she was lying unconscious." I sobbed and lost the strength to even stand.

But Shane held me firmly by my waist which kept me from falling. His hands promptly grabbed me and I found myself pulled to his lean, sturdy, muscular chest. I could feel the beating of his heart and mine too. His was constant rhythm while mine was ecstatic. I glanced up at him, he was also looking down at me and boring his eyes into mine.

"So you don't remember anything you did?"
I shook my head and he let out a long sigh of despair. I felt him pulling my body even closer to him.

"You're cold" He said after a long pause before stroking my cheek and wiping off my falling tears.
But he was providing me all the warm. I felt both good and bad because he has a girlfriend. I shouldn't be in his arms like that, although it felt like home. I eyes started drooping with tiredness but immediately opened when his phone blared. His hands tensed in my waist. I felt it as he gripped it tighter and even tighter.

He cursed under his breath before moving backwards and picking up.

All the warm and heat was lost when he stepped backward to receive the call. But, he removed his jacket and togged it over my shoulder.

"She's with me" His facial features hardened while listening to the other person speaking. I knew he was talking about me. I could guess from his tone.

"Dad, it was just a cat fight, which unintentionally took a violent side" Shane face palmed on the call and I looked down in embarrassment.

"She just went a little out of control. She was unaware of the whole thing" He looked at me and an unfamiliar emotion tucked on both of our faces.

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry" He cut the call before facing me.

"Let's get going" I nodded at him and we drove back to the mansion.


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Love y'all. ❤

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