Chapter 26

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Shane's POV

"What? She defeated Amelia?" I asked them in pure shock.

I knew, Evelina is powerful, but she's new to this world, and new to the whole discovering her powers thing? Amelia is a trained perfectionist. How can she loosen up to that.

First time I saw, Evelina, I knew she was the queen of visionary, by just looking at her eyes.

I knew who's daughter she is. I have nineteen different originating powers, where one is, upright knowledge about History. I knew, who had those pair of eyes. Hazel wood, one of the strongest warrior, one could think of. They have eyes, where you could see the world. It changes colours, it shows you the future, it even has the powers to mesmerize you, in a way, that you forget everything but just wanna get lost in them for the whole lifetime and you would love it.

The same happened with me, that day, under the bed, I was attracted to her in some way.
I shouldn't be, cuz I am trained enough to trap into love. I was brought up to be stronger than that. Stronger than heart breaks, stronger than, what love makes you. It enervates you up, until you realise you aren't strong anymore.

It's not my personal experience, but what my father has raised me up like.

But that day, I knew what was going on, I knew, I was attracted, but couldn't get my eyes off of her. Good thing, she directed it herself, otherwise I would've stayed like that all night.

Honestly, I didn't do anything to find out about. Her eyes told me everything. She was shocked, rather afraid, that she would get caught.
I can see eyes, and say what one's feeling right then and there. But poor thing, she was already trapped because I knew about her, I had known about the whole lying thing.

I knew why they were afraid, because of us Anderson's, and our strict rule.
One thing, I couldn't understand too, if Hazel wood is on Earth, and even if her daughter was bound to come here after eighteen, then why we didn't had any information regarding her arrival.

Usually when people come here, we have news from the upper body about their arrival one week before, so that we could make some essential norms for the person, so that it is easy for them to adjust here.

But her case was different, and just to find out that, I'd let the game continue, by being ignorant of the fact that she's a human. Which is also not true, because she's not. She's not a human and she doesn't know that.

It looks just my case, nobody was informed about my arrival but I was an infant then, she's a teenager.?

I so wanna reveal this to her, but I would have to wait, until I find answers to it. From then and there, I started gathering information, by having her close to me.

That is, having them to stay at Anderson mansion. I had to persuade dad to the point, where there is end of persuasions, for this, cuz, they don't easily allow anybody to stay at Anderson house. Only the rarest case.

I didn't tell them anything about Evelina and her background, don't want to because, I know what will happen if they get to know about her.
It's a rule, if any stranger comes without information, he/she either spends their whole life in prison or its death.

Prison is the rarest case because, its about the safety of this world. And nothing could be given more priority than its security.

Dad and uncle Robert don't know Evelina is Hazel wood's daughter. They run on proofs. But I know, cuz of the power I'm gifted with.

And I should do everything to get her out of this mess. She doesn't know about this world. Good thing Amy is with her. She needs a good company to guide her through out. But to be on the safer side, I made her join school too. This way, she'll be more near and in front of me.

Worlds ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora