Chapter 24

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"Nobody goes to the forest. It is  restraint from any kind of visit. You would have seen the danger board and  the confined entrance trapped with electric bolts, when you decided to jolt it into pieces before entering. Why in the world would you do that?"
I widened my eyes in shock.

No, I haven't seen any restrained entrance. I didn't find any obstacle or such things, he's mentioning right now.
He is lying, he is probably lying.
I was continuously running without any break. I didn't experience anything, rather, I was thinking about my situation, then. Even if I was lost at my own thoughts and didn't notice the board, I DID NOT scrunched it into pieces. I know this for sure.

"I'll not pressurize you to tell me anything, cuz you'll tell me of your OWN. And next time, if you cause ANY trouble for me and my family, then I'll be the first one to punish you. Trust me on this"

Before I could glare at him and ask him what exactly does he meant by his words, he left upstairs, without any explanation, leaving me confused and angry.

"No boy, you aren't leaving without any explanation" I whispered to myself before following him to his room.
Ignoring everyone in the hall I moved towards his room upstairs.

I know they all are angry with me anyway and are probably glaring at me right now. But I didn't glanced a look at them cuz I was angry myself.
Angry at him, cuz he thinks am a huge trouble to him and his family.
God, this is not my fault, if someone decided to shift me here.
I wanna go back, don't wanna stay here for even a second.

Wiping off my tears, I knocked at his door, for some explanations.
If I am not responsible for a thing, then I am NOT to be blamed. He should know that, I was not the one, who destroyed the danger board and entered the forest area.

I'd not even experienced any thing like that. I was so into running. Otherwise I would have avoided going in.

I knocked it once again, nobody answered again. I pushed the door, to check if it was opened, and yes, it was.

As soon as, I pushed the door, I saw, Shane sitting on the edge of the bed, but what disturbed me was, Xena hugging him from the back. She was saying something in his ears, but he was looking down not even bothered by her presence.
Yeah, why would he, she's his girl friend.

Why'd I come here? Looking both of them together so close, cringed me.
No, seriously Evelina, what is wrong with you? Why are you so jealous of them.?

An instant answer came from my heart. Not because I have feelings for him or anything like that. But my heart says, it's because of his pure soul, I can't see Xena with such a good person. This makes me cringe because, every girl would want to be with a guy like Shane. And yes, this makes me hate both of them.

Banging the door closed, not worried about what they would think, I moved downstairs towards the kitchen. I needed water desperately.

How dare he, scold me and threat me about punishing me, if he had to be normal about everything and make love to his girlfriend, after what he just told me.
He just pretended, like he's worried and angry when all he wanted was to frighten me by saying all the fucking daring things to me.

If he thinks, I would ask him to help me next time, then he's fucking wrong. I would not. I would never.
Boldly, I have decided not to take help from the traitor ever.

I would have to handle my shit on my own, from now onwards.

I wish, Its a bad dream. And when I wake up, everyone's gone except Amy.

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