Chapter 16

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I was pouring some water from the bottle, when I saw a shadow in front of me.
Probably a human shadow.
W-who could be that.?

With a terrible amount of guts, I turned around and saw nothing but the trees, outside the windows, which were blowing back and forth due to the wind.
But it looked like human?

I shook my thoughts and grabbed the glass, before gulping the poured water, whole in one move.
Goodness, finally relieved from the coughing.

I made a move out of the kitchen, when I saw the same shadow again outside the window, to the garden area.
It is sneaking somewhere by the way its bowed behind the wall.

Who must be that?
My eyes widened in horror.
I-Is it a theif? Or a burglar? Murderer maybe?

Should I go and check it?
What if it kills me?

It didn't took me long, to come into the entity of the person, hidden outside.
I cleared my eyes again.

Wasn't Shane wearing these clothes, a while ago?

Although, I could see only his back but I clearly remember him wearing white full sleeved tee with ripped denims.
Yeah.!! Its him.
And this is probably the right time to thank him.

But what is he snooping at?

I headed outside in the garden area, through the kitchen backyard.
I tip-toed over to him before pecking his biceps with my index finger.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in a whisper before crossing my arms but he didn't even felt the need to glance at me and was busy snooping at what?

I raised myself a bit to look above his shoulders, what he is looking at.

"What are you looki.."

"Shhhhh" He shushed me, to talk as it might disturb his concentration.
What. the. hell?

"You shouldn't be here. Go to your bedroom and sleep" He gestured me to leave while still fixing his eyes in the front.


He finally glanced at me, eyes widened, jaw dropped, before pulling me back with him, cuz the thing he was watching, probably heard that and might have caught us watching it.

"What was THAT?" He asked me in that shocked state of his.

"THAT was ME. Why should I obey you?" I replied asking indelicately and my eyes went right through where he was holding me.
My wrist.

"And why are you here?" He asked me but my eyes were still fixed on his hands holding onto my wrist.


He noticed that of course and let go off my hand immediately before again snooping from behind the wall.

"Goodness, she didn't heard that" He relieved at the sight.
Who is she?

"Who she, let me see" I pushed him aside and glanced over to the girl, he was watching.

"Kitty?" I almost yelled but he covered my mouth at the right time. D-D-D-D -Damn, He was so close to me I could fell the heat of his body doing something to my brain.
And suddenly I started sweating.

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