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"You did WHAT?"

I hide the fact that I'm rolling my eyes by covering my face with my hand. Takeshi tackles me down on his sofa and tries to pull my hand away. Apparently the words "I met Blue at the Stoneheads last night" implies much more than just a dance.

"Naruto! You're the one who warned me and Shiroi about Blue! Now you've gone and – and – well, what did you do? How far did it get?"

I abruptly cease struggling, resulting in Takeshi smacking himself in the face with my hand. He scowls at me, but doesn't let up. I sigh.

"He... gave me a blowjob," I mutter.

Takeshi stares.

"That's all. I was gonna top, he stuck a condom on me and everything—"

"What, has he got an STI? Naruto, you can't just—"

"No! At least he said he didn't have anything, and that's not something you lie about. But I chickened out. I couldn't do it."

"Thank god." He flops back, lying the other way on the sofa, his legs still tangled with mine. "If you'd gone and slept with that whore—"

"You and Shiroi were the ones who were going to sleep with him last year," I retort.

"We weren't gonna sleep with him! Just play around a little. But he went too far with us. Obviously he didn't with you," he adds, and it almost sounds like an accusation, like there was no "too far" for me.

"I don't need you lecturing me," I snap. "I knew what I was doing. I didn't drink at all."

"So your judgement is just impaired as fuck to begin with."

"No, it's not!" I untangle my feet from his and get off the couch, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water, wondering when the hell Shiroi's gonna get here. We're having a sleepover tonight, but Takeshi noticed the marks on my neck right away because I forgot Sasuke usually gives me his scarf when I get hickeys.

"How desperate were you, anyway?" he says, following me into the kitchen. "To get with Blue of all people, when you probably coulda had any guy in the club."

"Ha. Yeah, right." I grab a glass and fill it from the tap.

"Okay, maybe half. But I'm serious, there are so many other choices. Why Blue? And what about..." He stops himself, but I know what he was going to say.

I take a long swig of water before saying curtly, "Sasuke and I broke up. I'm not going to give up sex for the rest of my life just because he's the first and only person I've ever done it with."

"But you couldn't do it," Takeshi says. "Because you still want him back."

"What I want has nothing to do with it!" I slam my glass on the table, splashing water onto the counter and floor. I let go so that it doesn't break under my grip. "Sasuke isn't about to come back. All things considered, by now he's probably lying in an alley with a bullet in his head."

"He's not," says Shiroi's voice, followed by the sound of the front door closing. I pour the rest of the water back into the sink and return to the living room. Shiroi's taking his shoes off. "I talked to him on the phone just this morning. He sounded tired, but last week I went to his place and he's alive and kicking."

"Shir!" Takeshi exclaims, running over to jump on his boyfriend. "You'll never guess what Naruto did!"

The tone of Takeshi's voice gives Shiroi pause. He looks at me cautiously. I cross my arms. I won't apologize for what I did.

"Blue asked me on a night at the club," I say. "Last night I went to his place and he sucked me off, and then I went home."

"You let him?" Shiroi asks, sounding surprised. But he doesn't sound nearly as reprimanding as Takeshi, which I'm glad about. I flop back into Takeshi's bean bag chair.

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