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An hour later, we're sitting in the corner of one of the train compartments, speeding towards Tokyo. Sasuke lets me have the window seat so I can look outside. I can't sit still; my eyes are glued to the scenery passing by – the town at first, then little isolated houses in the countryside, then farms, then untamed fields and plains. It's all so exciting I can't wait to get off the train, although being on it is nearly as great.

"One would think you'd never traveled before," Sasuke comments, amusement in his voice.

I freeze, my eyes automatically focusing on his reflection in the glass, then glance at him. His eyes widen.

"You haven't?"

I sigh and turn back to the window. "Do you think I have the money to go travelling?"

Sasuke's silent for a moment – I can see from his reflection that he's looking at me with something close to pity. Then he puts an arm around my shoulders and places a small kiss on my cheek.

"I'll just have to show you around, then, won't I?"

I smile, and I know he can see it in the window as well.

We check in at a nice hotel, nothing too fancy, but comfortable. I explore every corner of the room, which is almost bigger than ours back at school. It's got a TV, a bed, and a bathroom. Sasuke watches in amusement as I go through all the drawers in the end tables and all the toiletries they give us in the bathroom.

"This is amazing," I say. "They give you all this stuff? And you can just use it?"

"Yes, that's the principle of hospitality in a hotel. If there's anything you're not satisfied with, they'll fix it. They clean the room every day and replace the sheets and towels and so on."

"But that's... so much work!"

"It's their job, dobe."

I jump back-first onto the bed, arms spread wide. "This is amazing."

"You said that already," Sasuke laughs, sitting next to me.

"By the way, I never thanked you properly." I grab the front of his shirt and drag him into a kiss. He's caught by surprise, but makes up for it quickly. When we part, I smile at him. "Thanks, Sasuke."

He smiles back. "The pleasure's all mine."

Though I can't wait to get out and explore, we spend the night inside, unpacking our stuff, then talking, lying side by side on the bed. Sasuke tells me about all the things he's seen, and says we'll go to as many of those places as possible. At first he speaks normally, but then as he continues his words and descriptions become richer, more detailed, his writer's inspiration urging him to expand and elaborate. I can hardly get to sleep that night, I'm so excited; but Sasuke hushes me and calms me down and tells me it'll be no good to be tired the next day. Still, it's with images of Tokyo in my head created by the words of a writer that I finally fall asleep.

Tokyo is every bit as exciting as Sasuke's stories make it sound. He didn't seem overwhelmingly interested, but I can't wait to see it all. Tokyo Tower's our first stop.

"It looks a lot like the Eiffel Tower, doesn't it?" I say as we near it. "Which one was made first?"

"Tokyo Tower was inspired by the Eiffel Tower. It's a little taller, though. Not by much."

Sasuke skipped going to the top of the tower last time when he came here, since he's uneasy about heights. I convince him to come this time, though, so we go up in the clear glass elevator together. Sasuke's grip on my hand is tight, and I squeeze his hand back reassuringly.

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