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This time, when we walk in silence, it doesn't feel awkward. As though the last few minutes created a strong understanding between us, the silence now is comforting, like we don't need to say anything. Our hands held together are the only link we need.

It's at least fifteen minutes later when the path begins to part with the river. We come to a stretch of sand.

"Ooh." I peer into the sand. "D'you think it's safe to walk in?"

"There could be broken glass," says Sasuke doubtfully.

"Hmm... There's a lifeguard chair and everything, though. It can't be that bad." Without further discussion I pull off my shoes and socks and make for the beach.

"And what am I going to do, keep walking on the path?" he calls.

"You could come join me. If you don't want to go barefoot, you can walk in your shoes."

He crosses his arms and stares at me. I stand, both sock-stuffed shoes in one hand, staring right back. Finally he gives up, sticks his thumbs in his pockets, and carefully treads over to where I am.

"Point for me," I grin as he takes my hand again and we continue.

"Oh, so we're counting now?"


"Do I get a point for telling off those fangirls without saying a word?"

"No, teme. It starts now."

"Dobe, that's not fair."

"Fine then. If you can catch me—" I start running "—you get a point!"

I can run pretty fast, but I know from gym class that Sasuke will always beat me in a sprint. (That's alright, though, because my endurance is way better than his.) The sand between my toes also makes it harder to run, while Sasuke is wearing running shoes. To top it all off, I step wrong and land on the side of my foot, a sharp pain racks my ankle, and I tumble to the ground with a yell.

"Naruto!" Out of the corner of my eye I see Sasuke speed up, sand spraying behind him. He practically skids to a halt next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Think so." I look at my ankle, checking for external damage, and find none. Upon rotating my foot, however, the pain returns. "Ouch. I think I twisted it."

"Usuratonkachi, be more careful!"

"Alright, alright. Geez, you're more worried than I am. You can still have that point if it makes you feel better." He laughs at this, and I raise a hand. "So, help me up?"

Sasuke stands up, then takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. When I'm sure my balance is alright, I tentatively put weight on the foot. My ankle protests painfully. "I can't walk like this."

"Here, let me help." He takes my arm and drapes it over his shoulders, his arm doing the same to me. With him supporting me, I can manage to half-hop, half-limp. It's not very fast, but at least it works.

"Are you sure it's not a sprain or a break?" he asks. His hand is warm on my shoulder.

"Yeah, it's fine. We shouldn't even have to splint it. The sand softened the blow."

"We could call a taxi."

"It's alright; we're almost there anyway."

By the time the sun goes down we can see the grounds, and my ankle doesn't feel so bad anymore. With each step I put a little more weight on it, and although it still hurts, it's only a bit.

Sasuke notices the change in my step. "How's it feeling?"

"Much better. I can walk now." I let go of Sasuke and try it out. "Can't put my full weight on it, but I can walk on my own."

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