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Morning brings a sense of freshness, a new beginning, like we've been reborn. As we lie side by side in the afterglow of our communion, we feel a kind of understanding between each other that's never been around before. It's like finally, after months of growing closer and learning about each other and waiting and hoping and hurting and healing, we've jumped that last hurdle and all we have to do now is run for the finish line.

Our first time is held in a sort of awed reverence, isolated in its own little trophy case, the fruit of all our labour. It's almost as though we don't dare to taint it with another round – though we wouldn't be upset by doing such a thing again, neither of us feels very inclined to right now. It's as if trying to invoke that passion again so soon would mar its perfection. And so we lie, side by side, bathing in the sunlit beauty of our bond.

"Sasuke?" I say softly.

"Yes, Naruto?" he replies, his voice equally gentle.

Unable to bear more than a whisper, I ask, "Can you feel it?"

He looks over at me, and smiles. The whole room fills with sunlight.


"It feels..." I heave a deep, contented sigh, as though that will express my wordless feelings. Sasuke knows how to make it poetic, but my language skills don't stretch that far.

Sasuke smiles and presses his lips against my shoulder. "I know. I know what you mean."


"Yes, Naruto?"

"My ass hurts."

He blinks at me, then begins to laugh. This irritates me at first, but before long I can't help it; I let out a chuckle.

"Sorry," he says, mirth still tugging at the corners of his lips. "But you know, if it hurts just lying here, think of what it's gonna be like when you start walking."

I sigh in resignation. My smile won't go away. "It was worth it."

Even once we properly get out of bed, the only thing the physical activity (that is to say, more activity than lying around) gives us is the energy to play. We touch and tease, kiss and nip, each leaving our subtle presence on the other, in the ghostly memory of an arm around the waist, the tingling left from a kiss to the skin, the echo of gentle laughter in the ear. We're content, together, joined in heart and soul, mind and body. We are everything together.

Sometime in the afternoon we change into suitable outdoor clothes and, hand in hand, set off for the movie theatre to meet Takeshi and Takeshi. The air of tenderness between us lingers on, enveloping us in its warm wings. It reminds me of the innocent days when all we did was hold hands and sometimes kiss quickly, when sex with Sasuke was the last thing on my mind. I vaguely wonder just how long Sasuke's been thinking about sex with me, but I decide that's a subject for another time. Now, on our way to the theatre, the link between us that is our interlaced fingers is buzzing with warmth; our happiness is quick glances and uncontrollable smiles.

We spot Takeshi and Takeshi before they see us, waiting in line for the tickets. When they do notice us, I see Takeshi whisper something into Shiroi's ear. Shiroi looks back at us as though in response to this, then smiles knowingly and whispers back.

"Hi," says Shiroi when we approach. His voice is a little too casual.

"Uh... hi?"

"You guys look happy," Takeshi notes.

Sasuke asks coolly, "Is there a problem with that?"

"Oh, no, not at all. We were just curious to what event might have brought it on."

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