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There's a festival on the last day of August, the day before we're due to ship off back to Konoha High. It sounds like fun, so I call everyone to invite them to get together on that day. Everyone agrees except for Neji, who's already in Tokyo (I forgot until I called him and he had to remind me), and Shikamaru, who's in—

"Kyoto! ?"

"Sorry," comes Shikamaru's voice over the phone. "I woulda told you earlier, but there hasn't really been time and you haven't been in the chat room online. I was packing up until we left and now I'm unpacking."

"But – but why are you in Kyoto?"

"Couple of reasons. Dad's office has moved there, and he made me finish high school in the summer so I could start university there this year." He heaves a huge sigh. "I've never been so busy in my entire life."

"I can believe that, coming from you. Wow. So you jumped right into university? But I thought applications were due—"

"In the spring, I know. Don't ask me, my dad did it all. Otherwise I never woulda bothered. He's just dragging me along now."

"So... what are you studying?"

"Computer programming."

"Computer – oh, that's cool."

"It's interesting, I guess, but it's work. At least with shogi I can choose whether or not to play."

"Is it like shogi?" I ask; we all know of Shikamaru's hobby of cracking out the old Japanese chess board with Asuma-sensei. I wonder if Asuma-sensei knows Shikamaru's gone.

"Not at all. Dad kept saying things about the logic and stuff, but you're not trying to beat anyone in programming."

"You should make a living out of being a strategist. Join the army or something, or design board games."

"I should make a living out of sleeping."

"Don't we all wish we could do that?"

"Yeah, but you're still talking." He yawns.

I laugh. "Okay, fine, I'll leave you alone. This kinda sucks though, you not being here."

"I know, and everyone here's really geeky and likes math and stuff. So much brainpower..."

"You'd fit in if you cared."

"Meh." Just goes to show. "Well, see ya."

"Hopefully," I reply. "Bye."

The beep that ends the call seems to put a period on the end of the sentence: Shikamaru is gone. Realizing I'm staring at my cellphone as though hoping Shikamaru will just jump out of it, I put it down on the table.

"Hey," says Takeshi squished up next to Shiroi in his giant bean bag, "since it'll the last day of summer, and there's a festival, and – well, just 'cause, wanna do a gift exchange?"

Sasuke turns onto his side on the couch, his head in my lap, and asks, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, Shir and I can get something for you guys, and you get something for us. But secretly, see. We decide on a price range and go wild."

Everyone likes this idea, so we settle on a price and agree to bring our gifts when we meet on the 31st.

"You know, I kind of hate having a big event on the last day," I say. "You end up being excited for it to come, and then when it does and it's over we have school again."

Takeshi and Takeshi nod, and Sasuke sighs. I run a thumb along his bottom lip, and he kisses it lightly before sticking his tongue out to lick it. I watch, allowing him to take the digit into his mouth, my other fingers playing against his cheek.

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