chapter 21

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~third person POV~

Aimi watched silently as Obito was crouching on a branch just in front of a cave.

'I found them!' He thought. 'Calm down!' He ordered mentally preparing himself. 'I can do this.' He encouraged, slapping his cheeks a little making the redhead facepalm.

'Idiot.' She thought.

Little did he know that the sound carried into the cave and was heard by the stone ninja.

"I'll take care of it." The larger one said. "In the meantime, use your genjutsu and get the information from her. Camouflage jutsu." He said before disappearing. Meanwhile the smaller stone ninja turned his attention back to Rin, who was tied up and her form was slumped over due to the genjutsu that was placed on her.

Obito was still observing the cave with a kunai in hand deciding what the best course of action should be.

"All right... here I go!" He whispered.

"Go where?" The larger stone ninja asked from behind him causing Obito's eyes to widen in shock.

He quickly turned around, but froze when the ninja moved to attack him. The next thing that was seen was blood. Obito was shocked to see Kakashi arrive just in time to cut down the shinobi. Kakashi looked up at the shocked stone ninja in fierce determination.

"K-Kakashi..." Obito stuttered out shocked and relieved at the same time. "How come you're...?!"

"Well, I can't leave this up to a crybaby ninja like you, can I?" Kakashi interrupted glancing back at him.


"That silver-white hair and White Chakra Blade...!" The stone ninja observed already back on his feet a large gash on his chest, his face filled with disbelief and shock. "Don't tell me you're... The White fang of the leaf?!" He asked sweating in fear.

Kakashi brought the blade in front of him and looked at the shinobi with narrowed eyes.

"This is a memento of my father." Kakashi answered and Obito's eyes widened in realization as he remembered Kakashi once said, "to carry out his mission, useful tools are essential to a ninja. Something like emotions are useless." Obito than glanced at Kakashi. 'Kakashi... you...'

"I see, you're the White Fang's kid." The shinobi said regaining his confidence. "Then there's no need to be afraid of you." He stated with a smirk, he formed a hand sign and seemingly disappeared.

Kakashi tried to sniff but, as I thought. "The scent has been completely erased." Kakashi informed. "We'll have to locate him by the slightest movement and noise he makes."

"W-where is he?" Obito mumbled studying his surroundings.

Kakashi immediately sensed the ninja appear behind Obito. "Obito, behind you!" He warned going in to defend Obito. The ninja quickly slashed... Kakashi's eye, the blood immediately gushing out causing him to fall back in pain while clutching his eye. "My eye!" He got out through clenched teeth trying to suppress a cry of pain.

"Kakashi!" Obito called when Kakashi hit the ground writhing in pain. "Hey Kakashi! Are you alright?!" Obito called out in concern helping him up.

Up in the tree above them, the stone ninja was still observing them. "Even if he's just a kid, it doesn't hurt to be cautious... I'll take it nice and slow."

Kakashi was still trembling while covering his eye, but he was no longer groaning in pain. 'Our enemy... He's good.' He thought. 'He threw away the kunai stained with the smell of my blood.' Obito was still clearly worried about his teammate if the tears in his eyes were any indication.

"Don't tell me you got dust in your eye again?" Kakashi said, removing his hand from his eye revealing a deep cut running down his now permanently blinded eye that will surely leave a scar.

"A ninja shouldn't cry." He said. "I'm not dead yet." Obito wiped his eyes clear while listening to Kakashi. "Stay focused!"

"There is no way dust can get into your eyes when you have goggles on. If you're going to advocate self-control, don't just mouth the words. Act strong too." Obito remembered Minato tell him.

'I'm just talk... always being saved by others... just a big-mouthed loser... But...' he remembered what he told Kakashi about his father. 'I don't want those words to be just empty talk!' He continued standing up, determination in his eyes.

The enemy started to quickly approach the two.

'Die!' The ninja thought as he brought the kunai only for Obito to quickly turn around and stab him in the chest. His eyes a crimson red with two spinning black tomes.

"Wh-why?" The man stuttered as his body came into view. "There's no way you can see..." Kakashi watched on impressed.

"Obito... You...!" He started, but his words died in his throat.

"Wh-What is... that eye...?" The man asked staring into Obito's sharingan before promptly dying.

"This time, I'll protect my comrade!" Obito vowed.

"Obito... that eye of yours..."

"Yeah, I guess this is the sharingan." Obito said looking at his hands. "I can see the movement and flow of chakra." Kakashi winced in pain and let his head fall in the palm of his hand. "Are you alright, Kakashi?!" Obito asked frantically as he looked for something in his weapons pouch.

"Yeah... looks like I lost my left eye," Kakashi answered pulling out the gift Rin gave him. "but I have the kit Rin gave me. I can use it for emergency first-aid. We're going to save Rin immediately!"

"Okay!" Obito responded, determination in his eyes as his sharingan made him look more dangerous.

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