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 “Her’s fake..Those were clip ons. I saw her remove it in one of her gigs. My God, how can you be this so…naïve about things?”

“Dude,it’s cause her name is Alisson.”

“What if…you’re supposed to fall for someone else?That’s not even Gaile. What if you thought wrong?”

“I always pray here. It’s not like you “OWN” this Church.”

“You wanted love…and I gave it to you..Cause you’ve been terribly avoiding it.”

“Well, it’s not my fault if you’re too blind enough to notice me, ATIENZAAAAA…don’t call me a liar, lazy student!”

These Voices, they’ve been haunting me the whole night.

So here’s my stupid conclusion:

Veronica Alisson Gonzales, has highlights near her left ear, goes to the same church as me. Could it be that I’ve been fooled and had fake first love instead?

“Why’d you think you met me?”You wanted love…and I gave it to you..Cause you’ve been terribly avoiding it.”

Suddenly I remembered Fair Day, How I was able to find that booth that brought me to Madame Lot. I was avoiding Veronica that Day. Could this be possible? WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS? NO, IT CANNOT BE, IT JUST CANNOT BE. I’M CRAZY,IT’S OFFICIAL. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.


I screamed and changed my position while digging the pillow in my head. This thoughts had been bothering me for about four hours already.

I was awaken by the heat of Sunlight. I yawned,my head aches a lot today. 45 minutes of sleep?What do you expect?

“I think the Mashed Potato is mashed enough to be called “Mashed Potato”. Pao told me.

I realized I was playing with my food for awhile in the Canteen.

I was about to eat a spoon of my Mashed Potato that I’ve been playing with for awhile when I saw Veronica in the hall way,near this canteen. She is with Jason Garcia, Yes, there’s a reason why I call him by his fullname, the way he stand and all, he should be called Jason Garcia.  I stared at them, Jason Garcia stole her Hanky and Veronica is trying to pull it back.

“Hey Pau, why do you look so JEALOUS about Mac’s Mashed Potato?I mean,look at you..REALLY JEALOUS!” Anthony stole my attention. I’m not stupid,I know what he’s trying to tell me.

“Moron.” I replied.

“Aww,Pau is really Jealous about Mac’s Mashed Potato!” He continued.

I looked at Pau and he’s still forcing himself not to laugh.

“I.AM.NOT.JEALOUS.” I emphasized.

“I am not Jealous of Mac’s Mashed Potato Anthony!” Pau said in a Baby way.

“Know what Pau?Avoiding feelings is not an option for they will grow stronger if you choose the path of denial.” Anthony said while looking at me. What the heck?

“I’m done here.” I stood up without eating a single portion of that Mashed Potato…A food I would not eat again. I AM NOT JEALOUS OF A MASHED POTATO!

“Wait,here…You should read the folded page.” Anthony passed me a small book. I walked out the Cafeteria and left them.

“Stress eating?” Noy asked.

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