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I woke up earlier than the alarm clock, first time in my existence that this had happened. I picked my phone and texted Gaile first thing when I woke up,

"Hey Gaile, Good Morning. Have a blessed day!" :-)

Morning texts are not just Morning texts you know, it's another way of saying "Hey, you're the first thing I thought of when I woke up."

I had cereals for breakfast cause Mom and Dad were still asleep.

I saw Noy going down from his room. Noy is my older brother. We used to know everything about each other, I don't know what happened.

We are named from State Cities,our names are Mckenzie and Illinois. I guess our parents wanted so much to be unique. I remember complaining so much on how I can never find a keychain with my name on it,I always had mine customized.

Me and my brother were like two people glued to each other before. It's sad to look at him now and see how he transformed from being the best brother on earth to someone who's living in the same house as mine but never talks to me.

"Noy,breakfast?" I told him.

As usual,He just passed by me and went to the restroom.

Noy started to be cold to me when my parents objected about him getting in the band,He plays so much instruments. For my parents, it's not the kind of career they had dreamed  for Noy, that's the time when my parents took full attention on me they barely notice Noy anymore. Eversince then Noy stopped being a brother to me. I don't wanna sound concieted but I instantly became the favorite son, I obeyed them so much that I was always focused on my studies and made sure I had A+ in everything I did. 

Noy passed by me again when he went to get some water, I looked at him and he still doesn't look back, I miss having a brother, I told myself.

I checked my phone and saw Gaile's reply:

"Early bird huh?Good Morning,Im on my way to school. Ingatzie" :-)

Ingatzie?Was that typo error or is she a jejemon?

"Ingatzie?I see you're part of the Jejeclub." I replied.

"It's Ingat+Mckenzie=Ingatzie" She replied.

Ohhh!I swear that was cute and original but wait how did she know about my fullname?

"Haha!Ohh,sorry,slowcatcher eh. How'd you know about my fullname?" :-)

"Some Mckenzie Atienza added me on Facebook last week, it has the same face as yours,that's how."

"I see,it makes sense now,alright then, TAKE CAILE!" :-D 

Take Care+Gaile=Take Caile,I don't know what I did there but it's fun,it makes me happy...she makes me happy.

I went to school on time,actually earlier than the usual. I saw some of my mates having weird looks at me. I smiled at them.

I saw Anthony and Pau looking at me and whispering stuffs with each other and then laughing afterwards.

I went to them "So we're having secrets with each other now huh."

"Dre, we're starting to think that maybe you're supposed to be a girl you know, all these mood swings everyday." They both laughed and high fived each other.

I can't blame them,yesterday I was Emo and now I look like someone High on drugs. I smiled and laughed with them.

It was the usual day,we're having the usual class and discussing the usual things, for some unusual reason having all these usual things and doing usual stuffs made me feel like it's unusual. It's like I'm doing everything for the first time that it only feels familiar, it's weird. When something adds up to your usual life it instantly becomes unusual, being an addition is unusual. The word unusual is actually not bad after all,cause having unusual makes life interesting.

The bell rang,it was lunch break.

In the Cafeteria:

"You might wanna start eating." Anthony said.

"I think he's so full already,I mean having The Gaile Text Meal since Morning is pretty much overloaded." Pau said.

"HA-HA You guys are funny." I started eating and left my phone in the bag for awhile.

My jaw hurts,it's not because of chewing the food, I think it's because I've been having this big smile on my face since last night, didn't know it can be this tiring.

"So tell me, Is jessica having the same dismissal class as we are?" I asked.

"Yeaah, I fetch her everyday.Why?" Pau said.

"Nothing,just asking". I continued eating.

"Someone wants to fetch somebody,Yieeeeeee." Pau said.

"Somebody's inlove." Anthony joined the teasing.

They were creating noise already on the cafeteria, I tried to stop them.

"Be quiet, you guys,we're not the only one in here...Shhhh." I told them.

I stared at the people in the cafeteria to look if ever we are being a distraction already and I saw Veronica staring at me, she looked pretty serious,when I looked at her, she looked away,I think she heard the teasings.

I felt bad suddenly, ofcourse hearing those stuffs would not please her. She and her friends stood and went somewhere else.

"I think Veronica heard us." I told them.

"It's not your fault you don't like her dre." Anthony told me.

And he's right, I just feel bad that when you're happy someone else can feel sad about it. Why can't the wolrd just be happy place where everyone we like will like us back, no rejections, no heartbreaks,I think that can be a better world.

 Our last subjected ended.

I texted Gaile "Going home already?".

"Yeaaah,almost." :-)

"You're going  with your ate Jess?"

"Nope,she'll be with Pau,I'm going home alone."

"No,you're not...I'm at your back,i'll take you home." :-)

She turned back and was shocked when she saw me. I've been waiting outside the gate for about ten minutes already, but I forgot how long it was when I saw her.

I remembered when Edward Cullen saw Bella Swan for the first time on their science class, for the first time I understood Edward Cullen. How unusual can you be when you see this person, how your heart all of a sudden beats unusual and how you can never explain why you're hands are sweaty and you cannot say the words that you rehearsed for her. You can never look at this girl as someone regular, because to you she is...unusual and you might not meet someone like her for ten years.

She smiled and I walked her home.

She lives not that far away from our school too, third street on a village ot far away from us. Remember how I told you I love long walks? It's ten times better when you're with someone you like. We we're chatting about how our day went and stuffs. She would tell me about how it is so boring studying in an all girl school,that's all I understood..most of the time I was just staring at her and listening to her voice, it doesn't matter how I don't get what she's saying,the most important thing is I'm with her now. We reached her house.

"Hey...I ...I have gigs every saturday at Diego's every Saturday night,you might wanna take Pau and Anthony and come see." she smiled.

Oh those smiles,it took 2 minutes for me to understand what she had said.

"Ah yeah?Sure..sure..Yeahhh.Ofcourse." I told her.

"Thank you for taking me home,Ingatzie."

"Take Caile". I whisphered,smiled and left.

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