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Have you ever felt like you’ve been cheated on? The world is such a mysterious place to be, they want you to believe nothing’s impossible and when you start to believe so, they would create a big joke on your face. When somebody cheats on you, you can’t help but feel aggressively mad at this somebody. You feel like the whole world owes you something, an explanation, when in fact, it doesn’t, not ever.


The elevator opens in the 4th floor, I am cutting my class cause I really at this point need some explanations. I’m holding my fist, trying to calm myself.

“What if…you’re supposed to fall for someone else?That’s not even Gaile. What if you thought wrong?”

The last statement of Pau kept running to my head like crazy. If it’s true then, I will be extremely disappointed.

Being betrayed is my biggest fear. Throw me in a dark room and say it’s haunted, I won’t care. Throw me in an empty theatre and make me watch The Exorcism, I’ll come out fearless. But mention being lied to and I’m immediately on edge. Because Apparently,the biggest issues nowadays revolve around trust.

“Chill M’Man!” The dude beside me said.

I stared at the person talking, I didn’t even know I was with someone….It’s Jason Garcia, in a Football Uniform.

“Hey.” I greeted him.

“You’re back to school huh? Finally..Why do you look like you’re leaving again?”

“I just have to have a word with someone from the outside.” I told him. “What about you?You seem like you’re cutting class too?”

“Oh..I had to see Alisson and tell her about our dinner.” He smiled while answering.

Alisson? Thought He goes out with Veronica? W-what?

“Thought you were going out with Veronica?” I asked without hesitant.

“Who the heck is Veronica?” He stared at me confusedly.


I didn’t had the chance to speak cause he had to go to the next floor.

Dang, Jason is either cheating on Veronica or Veronica is being delusional.

I need to focus on one thing first, I reminded myself.

When I reached the diner, I started having chills. I remember telling myself I would never go back in here for this is a creepy place. And it still feels like it.

“I need t—to talk..” I catched my breath..”I need to talk to the owner of this diner!” I told the girl at the counter.

“She’s at the gazebo sir..” The girl lead me to this Garden outside the Diner I didn’t even know existed.

I took a deep breath. I saw her.

“You owe me some explanations!” I told her.

“I was expecting you’ll come.” She says while playing cards in the table, not even looking at me.

“How did—You fooled me!” I said angrily.

She finally lifts up her head and say “No, I helped you find your first love.”

“No you didn’t!” I insisted. “After believing in you..all I got is the feeling of being Exhausted, Aggravated, Impossible, Tired…and  Hurt.”

She still looks calm as ever, not feeling any guilt. It’s asif I’m accusing her of something she has not done.

“Why’d you think you met me?” She changes tone.

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